
||| 怪しい客の友だちはアルカイダ |||

米国時間 2009年7月18日 | インドネシア・ジャカルタ発 | AP通信ニュース速報

Cops Eye Fugitive Terrorist in Indonesia Blasts
Bomb hidden in laptop computer is also found at hotel hit by suicide attack
JULY 18, 2009 | Associated Press — BREAKING | Translation by ysbee
JAKARTA, Indonesia — The suicide bombers set off a pair of blasts at two American luxury hotels in Indonesia's capital, that killed nine people and wounded more than 50, authorities said. While investigators worked to identify the suspects, suspicions hardened that the blasts were masterminded by Noordin Top.

MSNBC Report: Jakarta bombing mastermind close to being ID'd — July 18: Indonesian officials may be close to identifying the mastermind behind two deadly suicide bombings at two hotels. NBC's Ian Williams reports.

Why, How, and Who? ホテル連続爆破テロの真相究明
米国時間 2009年7月18日午前11時10分 | AP通信・ニュース速報 | 訳『米流時評』ysbee

1. Suicide bombers posed as guests
Suicide bombers posing as guests attacked the J.W. Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels in Jakarta on Friday. The attackers evaded hotel security, smuggling explosives into the Marriott and apparently assembling the bombs on the 18th floor, where an undetonated device was found after the explosions.

2. Targeted the breakfast time on Friday
The bombers had stayed at the hotel for two days and set off the blasts in restaurants at both hotels. A police investigator also told The Associated Press on Saturday that Noordin was the most likely suspect.

3. Mastermind of blasts — Noordin Top
"Considering the target, the location and content of the bombs, it was clearly the work of Noordin" — a Malaysian fugitive who heads a breakaway faction of the Southeast Asian militant network Jemaah Islamiyah.
爆破テロ首謀者は JIのヌルディン

4. Informant, '200% sure.... it's Noordin'
"I'm 200 percent sure this was his work," said Nasir Abbas, a former Jemaah Islamiyah leader turned police informant who has worked with police on investigations into Indonesia's last three terrorist attacks. According to the source of investigators, a hotel receptionist told police that the man who checked into the room gave his name as "Nurdin."

5. As a guest deposited $1,000 cash
He gave a $1,000 cash deposit because he had no credit card, he said. He said police had confiscated handwritten notes, a cell phone and a bomb encased in a laptop computer from room 1808 of the Marriott, where the bombers had apparently prepared for the blasts.

6. Blast captured by security camera
"There was a big explosion followed by a shock wave," said Ahmad Rochadi, a security guard at the Marriott who was checking cars in the basement. "I rushed upstairs and saw smoke billowing from the lobby." Authorities have not officially named a suspect, but suspicion quickly fell on Jemaah Islamiyah or its allies.

7. 'Big explosion followed by shock wave'
"There was a big explosion followed by a shock wave," said Ahmad Rochadi, a security guard at the Marriott who was checking cars in the basement. "I rushed upstairs and saw smoke billowing from the lobby." Authorities have not officially named a suspect, but suspicion quickly fell on Jemaah Islamiyah or its allies.

8. Jemaah Islamiyah, al-Qaida-linked network
The al-Qaida-linked network is blamed for past attacks in Indonesia, including a 2003 bombing at the Marriott in which 12 people died. The heads of four of the bodies recovered from the blast scenes — two at each hotel — had been blown off, the police investigator said.
ジェマーイスラミヤはインドネシアを活動の中心とする、アルカイダ系列のテロ組織ネットワークで、これまでの主な犯行経歴としては、2003年にやはりジャカルタのマリオットホテルで12名が死亡したホテル爆破テロ襲撃事件が挙げられる。今回の連続爆破テロでは、両方のホテルからそれぞれ2体の遺体と爆発で吹き飛ばされたと推測されるその頭部が発見されたと、警察の捜査陣から発表があった。 > 次号へつづく
【 米国時間 2009年7月18日 『米流時評』ysbee訳 】

Deadly blasts rock Indonesia hotels — July 17: Two suicide blasts, just minutes apart, rip through two luxury hotels in Jakarta, killing at least 9 people and injuring dozens. Police say the suspects posed as guests before setting off the explosions. NBC's Ian Williams reports.

▶ 前号「ジャカルタのJWマリオットとリッツカールトン連続爆破テロ」

TBリンク http://beiryu2.exblog.jp/tb/10001644


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by ysbee-2
| 2009-07-18 14:18
| テロとスパイ陰謀