||| 謎の貨物船オデッセイ・完結編 |||
モスクワ発 |バルト海で海賊に襲われ、英仏海峡を通って大西洋を南下、行方不明になってから3週間後にアフリカ西岸近海のカーボベルデ諸島沖合の洋上で発見された(と一応ロシア政府からは発表された)謎の貨物船アークティックシー号。錯綜した航跡と同じように、その所属形態も複雑だ。
AUGUST 18, 2009 | Associated Press — BREAKING | Translation by ysbee
11. Ship's real owner is Russia
The Arctic Sea, which flies under a Maltese flag, is operated by the Finnish company Solchart, which has Russian management and a sister company providing technical support in the Russian city of Arkhangelsk, the home of all 15 crew members.
謎の貨物船オデッセイ・完結編 ロシアが隠蔽する貨物船の秘密
米国時間 2009年8月18日午前7時43分 | AP通信・ニュース速報 | 訳『米流時評』ysbee
MOSCOW — Mikhail Voitenko, the editor of the online Maritime Bulletin-Sovfracht, said he had spoken with some of the Arctic Sea's sailors. However, after conversation he was more puzzled than ever. "The vessel had all the necessary modern means of communication and emergency alarms, and was located in waters where regular mobile telephones work," he said at a news conference.
ロシアの海事情報サイト「Maritime Bulletin-Sovfracht=ソヴフラヒト海事情報」の編集者ミハイル・ヴォイオテンコ氏は、救出されたアークティックシー号の乗組員のうち数人と電話で話すことができたと語っている。しかしながら彼は会話を交わしたあと、実際には謎が解けるどころか、それ以前よりももっと訳が分からなくなったと述介している。
13. Operation cost more than cargo+ship
"To hijack the vessel so that no one makes a peep — not one alarm goes off — can you imagine how that could be? I can't." Voitenko, whose company Sovfracht specializes in anti-piracy security consulting, said the hijacking was beyond the means of ordinary pirates. "The operation cost more than the cargo and ship combined," he said.
14. Carrying undeclared cargo with state interests?
Finnish port officials in Pietarsaari confirmed the timber was on board before the Arctic Sea left and said no radiation had been detected on board. Voitenko said he suspected the freighter was carrying an undeclared cargo and that state interests were involved. He refused to elaborate.
15. Suspicion of Russian SS involvement
Prominent analyst Yulia Latynina also said she believed the ship had a secret cargo, and noted that before setting sail the freighter was in the Russian port of Kaliningrad for repairs. Latynina, writing in the online Yezhednevny Zhurnal, said she suspected the involvement of special services.
16. Far-fetched state involvement
She and others have reported widespread speculation that the Arctic Sea was smuggling nuclear materials. British maritime security expert Nick Davis said he considered state involvement to be far-fetched and predicted it would turn out to be "a straightforward case of criminals trying to extort money out of an owner."
17. Mystery of ransom made
Finnish investigators said a ransom demand had been made, though it was unclear to whom. Swedish police were still investigating. Police spokeswoman Ylva Voxby said they had received pictures of the crew's injuries from the Arctic Sea's operator, which had received the pictures from the ship by e-mail.
18. No witness confirmation yet
Voxby also said Swedish police still haven't received any witness reports confirming that an inflatable boat approached the freighter in the Baltic Sea. However, police have confirmed through radar pictures and other vessels in the area that the Arctic Sea made strange movements at the time of the alleged hijacking.
19. Murky by Moscow's Information firewall
Davis, of the Merchant Maritime Warfare Centre, said the full story may never be known, in part because the Russian government has been playing it down. The government initially appeared reluctant to take action. Moscow only sent Russian Navy to search on Aug. 12 after relatives of the crew publicly appealed for help in finding the missing ship.
【 米国時間 2009年8月19日『米流時評』ysbee 訳 】
◀ 次号「リビア人テロリスト釈放の陰にBP英国石油の闇取引」
▶ 前号「貨物船オデッセイ・ロシアが隠蔽する海賊事件の真相」
記事リンク http://beiryu2.exblog.jp/10148314
TBリンク http://beiryu2.exblog.jp/tb/10148314
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by ysbee-2
| 2009-08-19 14:36
| 海賊シージャック