
米国時間2007年5月25日 韓国・ソウル発 |韓国の政府高官と報道機関が伝える内容によると北朝鮮は25日金曜数回にわたって、実戦ではなく発射実験と見られる短距離ミサイルを日本海に向けて発射した模様である。韓国の三軍連合司令官は今回の発射実験を確認してはいるものの、何発のミサイルが発射されたのか打ち上げられたのはどの場所かなど、まだ詳細を解明中である。
Report: North Korea Fires Short-range Missiles
Missiles fired toward Sea of Japan, according to U.S. and Japanese sources
SEOUL, South Korea | MAY 25, 2007 — North Korea fired several short-range guided missiles Friday in an apparent test launch, South Korean officials and media reports said. South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff confirmed the launches, but said it was still investigating how many missiles were fired and where exactly the tests occurred.
MAY 25, 2007 | 米 流 時 評 | ブログ雑誌『 楽 園 通 信』デイリー版

Newsweek | MSNBC.com
||| 速報!北朝鮮、日本海にミサイル発射 |||
【 ミサイル防衛システム 】 米国防省公開資料より

1. サテライトでミサイル発射を観測。データは指令センターと各地のレーダー基地へ送られる。
2. 発射の通知は迎撃ミサイルの発射を許可するNORAD(*note-2)へ転送される。
3. アラスカとカリフォルニアにあるレーダー基地が太平洋上のイージスレーダー搭載艦と連携してミサイルの軌道を追跡する。
4. 確認した軌道へ向けて迎撃ミサイルを発射。
1. 'A part of routine excercise'
“The short-range missile launches are believed to be part of a routine exercise that North Korea has conducted annually on the east and the west coasts in the past,” the Joint Chiefs said in a statement. The missiles were fired from the communist country’s east coast into the sea between Japan and the Korean peninsula, a Joint Chiefs official said on condition of anonymity, citing official protocol.
2. Response to South Korea?
Some reports suggested the North’s test was in response to South Korea’s launch of its first destroyer equipped with high-tech Aegis radar technology on Friday.
South Korea’s Yonhap news agency cited an unidentified Unification Ministry official as saying the tests would not strain ties because they were apparently part of regular exercises. North and South Korea are planning to hold Cabinet level talks on reconciliation efforts next week in Seoul.
3. Japan's media reports
Japan’s public broadcaster and other media, citing Japanese and U.S. sources, reported that the missiles were surface-to-ship. Japan’s Defense Ministry and Foreign Ministry could not immediately confirm the reports, but were investigating.
Public broadcaster NHK said the missiles were shorter-range, and were not North Korea’s existing Rodong or Taepodong I ballistic missiles. It was not immediately known where the missiles landed. Kyodo News agency said the missiles were launched from Hamgyong Namdo on the east coast of the Korean Peninsula and are considered modified silkworm or miniaturized Scuds, with a range of about 60 to 125 miles.
4. Reckless threats to the region
North Korea’s missile development has been a constant concern to the region, along with its pursuit of nuclear weapons. The hard-line regime test-fired a series of missiles in July last year, including its latest long-range model, known abroad as the Taepodong-2, which experts believe could reach parts of the United States.
The North rattled the world again in October by conducting its first-ever test of a nuclear device. However, experts believe it does not have a bomb design advanced enough to be placed on a missile.
【米国時間 2007年5月25日未明 米流時評 ysbee訳】
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▶ 傷だらけの星条旗/米国ジャーナリズムの良心
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by ysbee-2
| 2007-05-25 21:19
| トンデモ北朝鮮