全世界から1億人以上が投票に参加 人類の文化遺跡保存に貢献
米国時間 2007年7月7日午後1時 【ニュース速報】 ポルトガル・リスボン発
New Seven Wonders of the World Chosen
From China to Chichen Itza — seven architectural marvels revealed
BREAKING NEWS — LISBON, Portugal |JULY 7, 2007 — The Great Wall of China, Rome's Colosseum and India's Taj Mahal were among seven architectural marvels named the new wonders of the world Saturday. The other four winners, chosen by a global poll, were Peru's Machu Picchu, Brazil's Statue of Christ Redeemer, Jordan's Petra and Mexico's Chichen Itza pyramid. About 100 million votes were cast by the Internet and cellphone text messages, the nonprofit organization that conducted the poll said.
JULY 7, 2007 | 米 流 時 評 | ブログ雑誌『 楽 園 通 信』デイリー版
Associated Press | M S N B C . c o m
||| 発表!新・世界七不思議決定 |||
1. The final winner from 21 candidates
The seven beat out 21 other nominated landmarks, including the Eiffel Tower, Easter Island, the Statue of Liberty, the Acropolis, Russia's Kremlin and Australia Sydney Opera House. The campaign was launched in 1999 by the Swiss adventurer Bernard Weber. Almost 200 nominations came in, and the list was narrowed to the 21 most-voted by the start of 2006. Organizers admit there was no foolproof way to prevent people from voting more than once for their favorite.
2. Worldwide voters by Internet or phone
The Great Pyramids of Giza, the only surviving structures from the original seven wonders of the ancient world, were assured of retaining their status in addition to the new seven after indignant Egyptian officials said it was a disgrace they had to compete. People throughout the world voted by Internet or phone message for the world's top architectural marvels, said New7Wonders, the nonprofit group conducting the balloting.
The Colosseum, the Great Wall, Machu Picchu, the Taj Mahal and Petra have been among the leaders since January. The Acropolis and the Statue of Christ Redeemer recently received a surge in votes. The United States' Statue of Liberty and Australia's Sydney Opera House have been sitting near the bottom from the start.
Also in the less-voted group are Cambodia's Angkor, Spain's Alhambra, Turkey's Hagia Sophia, Japan's Kiyomizu Temple, Russia's Kremlin and St. Basil's Cathedral, Germany's Neuschwanstein Castle, Britain's Stonehenge and Mali's Timbuktu.
Weber's Switzerland-based foundation aims to promote cultural diversity by supporting, preserving and restoring monuments. It relies on private donations and revenue from selling broadcasting rights.
The U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO, keeps a list of World Heritage Sites, which now totals 851 places, but the agency was not involved in Weber's project.
The traditional seven wonders were concentrated in the Mediterranean and Middle East. That list was derived from lists of marvels compiled by ancient Greek observers, the best known being Antipater of Sidon, a writer in the 2nd century B.C. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes and the Pharos lighthouse off Alexandria have all vanished.
旧来の七不思議は地中海沿岸と中近東に集中していた。これは、紀元前2世紀のフェニキア・シドンの著述者アンティパテールとして著名な古代ギリシャの学者たちによって制定された、驚異的建造物の目録から選出されたリストであった。その中の6つの建造物:バビロンの吊庭、オリンピアの巨大ゼウス像、エフェソスのアルテミス神殿、ハリカルナッソス霊廟、ロード島の巨像、アレキサンドリアのファロス灯台などは、現在ではすべて消失している。【米国時間 2007年7月7日 米流時評・ysbee 訳】
▶ユネスコ・世界遺産のサイト: http://www.unesco.jp/contents/isan/
▶新・世界七不思議のサイトへ:下のバナーをクリック http://www.new7wonders.com/
暑 中 お 見 舞 申 し 上 げ ま す !
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▶ 写真はマウイのアップカントリー、夏でも涼しい高原の放牧場です。
全国区はきびしーっ 牛歩の歩みで25〜30位をうろうろですが、ぽちっ!
▶ 本誌『楽園通信』カバーページ
▶ 傷だらけの星条旗/米国ジャーナリズムの良心
▶ 米国式濃縮ニュース解説/風に聴け精神よ何処へ
▶ 西暦2003年のコマーシャル/広告と戦争のはざまで
by ysbee-2
| 2007-07-07 21:59
| 発見!世界不思議探検