第2章 中東核戦争の危機は本物か

「イスラエル空軍の戦闘爆撃機が、シリア国内のダイール・アズ・ザウールに近い砂漠の無人地帯上空で、爆弾を投下したあと(警備のシリア陸軍の地上からの対空砲火から)逃げ去った。わが国はしかるべき時期を見計らって、必ずやきちんとした報復手段をとるだろう。イスラエルのシリア領空侵犯の目的が何であれ、彼らがしでかしたことに対しては、そのまま代償を払わずに済まそうなどという勝手は許されない。」ワシントン駐在のシリア大使イマッド・ムスタファ氏は、こう明言した。 ーーー前号『イスラエル爆撃機のシリア領空侵犯』より
Invasion of Israeli Warplanes
What is Israel's intention sending Iran a signal with stealth raid on Syria?
By Dan Ephron / Mark Hosenbal | Newsweek — World News | Translation by ysbee
Syrian Crisis 2 — Syria's ambassador to the United States told NEWSWEEK the Israeli warplanes dropped munitions in the open desert near Dayr az Zawr before fleeing; he promised his country would retaliate in a manner and at a time of its choosing. "Israel will not be permitted to do whatever it does without paying a price," says Imad Moustapha.
SEPTEMBER 19, 2007 | 米 流 時 評 | ブログ雑誌『 楽園通信』デイリー版

N e w s w e e k | W o r l d N e w s
By ダン・エフロン/マーク・ホーゼンボール | ニューズウィーク 9月24日号 | 訳『米流時評』ysbee
6. IAEA's inspection in Syria

But current and former U.S. intelligence officials, willing to speak only if they were not named, say they've seen no credible evidence yet of nuclear ties between North Korea and Syria, whether before or since the Israeli operation. David Albright, a former weapons inspector in Iraq, says allegations raised by Bolton prompted the International Atomic Energy Agency to inspect Syria's small nuclear research reactor and other sites in 2003. He says the agency found the claims to be "unsubstantiated."

7. Vows to stop the nuclear-arming
Even Bolton, who served as the State Department's under secretary for arms control and international security, acknowledged to NEWSWEEK that while in government, he never saw proof North Korea was sharing nuclear technology with Syria.
For Israel, the possibility of a nuclear-armed adversary might have been enough to warrant the operation. Officially in a state of war with Syria — and Iran — Israel has vowed to let neither country obtain nukes (though Israel itself is believed to have built at least 200 nuclear bombs in its secret Dimona plant).

8. Olmert's request for Bush
Earlier this year, according to a well-placed Israeli source, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert asked President Bush for assurances that if economic and political sanctions failed to get Iran to shut down its nuclear facilities, Bush would order the U.S. military to destroy them before he leaves office. Bush has yet to provide the assurances, according to the source, who refused to be quoted because he is not authorized to speak for the government.

9. Reality check on Iran's nuke plan
The source says the Israeli government believes the Iranians will reach the point of no return in their nuclear-enrichment program sometime next year. U.S. intelligence agencies, by contrast, believe Iran is still two to eight years away from mastering the technology to build a bomb. Some officials warn that attacking Iran would mire U.S. forces in another messy war and might prove ineffective, since the Iranian facilities are believed to be scattered across the country and buried deep underground.
その消息筋の説では、イスラエル政府の読みでは「イランは来年のある時期には、核燃料の濃縮計画の過程で後戻りできない地点 (原爆製造に成功) に到達するだろう」と信じられているらしい。

10. Nuke war on Bush's watch
Still, from Israel's perspective, there might never be a more supportive White House. "It makes sense that if Israel has to do it alone, it would want to do it on Bush's watch and not wait to see what the political attitude of the next administration will be," says Alpher. That Arab states, and the world, will look away next time might be too much to assume.

序章を読む » 9/17号「中東核戦争前夜?急浮上するシリアとイスラエルの核紛争」
前編を読む » 9/18号「戦争挑発行為?イスラエル爆撃機のシリア領空侵犯」
1. アラブ世界の反応を見るイスラエル /2. 「シリアは時期を見て報復」/3. イスラエル空軍の爆撃ターゲット /4. 北朝鮮の協力でシリアが核開発?/5. イスラエルの主張する北のミサイルと核販売
【米国時間 2007年9月19日 訳『米流時評』ysbee】
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中東のパワーラビリンス 特集 | イラク戦争 関連記事特集 | 安倍首相辞任と総裁選 特集

TBリンク http://beiryu2.exblog.jp/tb/6186057
行 く 夏 を 肩 越 し に 見 送 る 9 月 の 海

初めから イランが最終のゴールとしてありました
地図を見れば アフガニスタンとイラクにはさまれ

by ysbee-2
| 2007-09-19 05:20
| 中東核戦争