
米国時間2007年10月23日 | カリフォルニア州サンディエゴ発 | 『米流時評』ysbee訳

Officials all but concede defeat to wildfires as estimated 1 million evacuate
OCTOBER 23, 2007 EST | MSNBC News Network | Translation by ysbee
SAN DIEGO, California — Faced with unrelenting winds whipping wildfires into a frenzy across Southern California, firefighters conceded defeat on many fronts Tuesday to an unstoppable force that has chased an estimated 1 million people away. The fires have been made worse by fierce Santa Ana winds. The winds are stronger than normal, turning already parched scrubland into tinder. They generated walls of flame that bore down on housing developments in a wide swath.
OCTOBER 24, 2007 | 米 流 時 評 | ブログ雑誌『 楽園通信』デイリー版

M S N B C N E W S | B R E A K I N G
カリフォルニアインフェルノ被害1.2兆円 カトリナ以上の大災害に
米国時間 2007年10月23日午後11時45分 | MSNBCニュース・現地特報 | 『米流時評』ysbee訳

Tentacles of unpredictable, shifting flame have burned across nearly 600 square miles — an area larger than New York City — killing one person, destroying more than 1,300 homes and prompting the biggest evacuation in California history, from north of Los Angeles through San Diego to the Mexican border.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said the flames were threatening 68,000 more homes. “We have had an unfortunate situation that we’ve had three things come together: very dry areas, very hot weather and then a lot of wind,” Schwarzenegger said. “And so this makes the perfect storm for a fire.”


2. 1/3 of San Diego County evacuated
At least 346,000 homes — roughly one in three, according to census data — were ordered to evacuate in San Diego County alone, sheriff’s officials said. State officials were still struggling to estimate how many people had fled. San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders pleaded with residents to stay off cell phones so that emergency crews could do their work. “Please stay at home today if you can,” he added. “Stay off the freeways. Allow our emergency vehicles and people needing to evacuate to move around freely.”


3. 10,000 evacuees gather at Stadium
Thousands of residents sought shelter at fairgrounds, schools and community centers. The largest gathering was at Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego, where up to 10,000 evacuees anxiously watched the stadium’s television sets, hoping for a glimpse of their neighborhood on the local news.


4. 'A mass migration in San Diego County'
Sanders pleaded for donations of blankets, cots, pillows and food for the people staying there, and officials said more people were expected to arrive Tuesday. “It’s basically a mass migration here in San Diego County,” Luis Monteagudo, a spokesman for the county’s emergency effort. In San Diego County, public schools were closed, as were campuses at the University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University.


5. Complaint over the State's response
A dozen firefighters battling blazes in Orange County had to deploy emergency shelters, a last resort when they are surrounded by flames, Orange County Fire Authority Chief Chip Prather said. “They should not have had to do that,” he said, complaining that quicker air support from the state might have snuffed those blazes before they blew up. “If we’d had the resources earlier to take care of those lines with hand crews, we wouldn’t have been in that situation.”


6. Firefighters 'we can’t stop it'
Unless the shrieking Santa Ana winds subside, and that’s not expected for at least another day, fire crews say they can do little more than try to wait it out and react — tamping out spot fires and chasing ribbons of airborne embers to keep new fires from flaring. “If it’s this big and blowing with as much wind as it’s got, it’ll go all the way to the ocean before it stops,” said San Diego Fire Capt. Kirk Humphries. “We can save some stuff but we can’t stop it.”


7. 16 firefighters injured at work
More than a dozen wildfires blowing across Southern California since Sunday have also injured more than 40 people, including 16 firefighters. The U.S. Forest Service earlier reported a fire death in Los Angeles County’s Santa Clarita area, but officials said Tuesday that information was erroneous.
Jose Alvarez, a San Diego County public information officer, told NBC News that five people had died from the fires in San Diego County, but only one person died trying to save a home. The other four died during or after being evacuated, he said.

【米国時間 2007年10月24日 訳『米流時評』ysbee】

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by ysbee-2
| 2007-10-24 06:45
| 大事故・大災害