第1話 カーン博士の核のブラックマーケット

米国時間 2007年10月30日 | NBCニュース特捜班スクープ |『米流時評』ysbee 訳
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第2話「英米 » ドバイ » パキスタン » リビア の核の密輸ルート」
Dr. Khan's Nuclear Connection: Pakistan » Dubai » Iran
British agent says he alerted U.S., U.K. to A.Q. Khan's network in 2000
OCTOBER 30, 2007 EST | NBC News — BREAKING | Translation by ysbee
By Richard Greenberg and Robert Windrem — NBC News Special Investigation Team
BREAKING — As the U.S. and Europe brace for a showdown with Iran over that country’s nuclear program, a former British Customs investigator is asserting that the West missed a golden opportunity to disrupt Tehran’s nuclear effort seven years ago.
NOVEMBER 1, 2007 | 米 流 時 評 | ブログ雑誌『 楽園通信』デイリー版

Associated Press | B R E A K I N G
米国時間 2007年10月30日午前8時20分 | NBCニュース特捜班スクープ | 『米流時評』ysbee 訳
By リチャード・グリーンバーグ/ロバート・ウィンドレム | NBCニュース特捜班プロデューサー

1. Dr. Khan's nuclear black market
Atif Amin says that as a U.K. Customs agent in 2000, he uncovered evidence that Pakistani scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan was running a nuclear black market. But the United States and United Kingdom waited more than three years to take action to shut down the Khan network, which supplied Libya, North Korea and Iran with gas centrifuge technology to enrich uranium. Had they moved against Khan sooner, Amin believes and some critics agree, Iran might not have as many as 3,000 centrifuges today and be threatening to become a nuclear power.

2. 'America and the Islamic Bomb' of Nuke
The previously undisclosed account of Amin’s thwarted investigation is included in a new book about A.Q. Khan titled “America and the Islamic Bomb: The Deadly Compromise” by David Armstrong and Joseph Trento of the National Security News Service. Amin recently sat down with NBC News and discussed details of his investigation, recounted in the book, including his frustration over the decision to limit his criminal probe.

3. Dare to leave the operation

U.S. intelligence officials who worked on the Khan case tell NBC News that Amin’s concerns are misguided. They say that premature action could have jeopardized secret operations under way at the time targeting Khan, his cohorts and his clients. The officials say that intelligence gained during that period enabled the U.S. to mount other clandestine operations that may still be active, including one aimed at slowing down Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

4. Suspicious shipment of nuke materials
Amin was tapped to work on what initially appeared to be an export control case involving a suspicious shipment of high-tensile aluminum that could be used to make centrifuge and missile parts. “It didn’t matter who the end user was,” Amin said. “It needed an export license.” The shipper was a U.K.-based company run by Abu Bakr Siddiqui, a British businessman whose father was a friend of Khan. The stated destination: a company in Dubai, a port that intelligence sources say is notorious for a process in which a shipment is illicitly forwarded to another country.


5. Intercepted and searched by U.K. Customs
Despite a warning from British Customs, Siddiqui shipped the aluminum in May 1999 without obtaining the required license, according to Amin. British Customs intercepted the shipment and searched Siddiqui’s office, home and his parents’ home, he said. Amin, 30 at the time and a member of a special counterproliferation unit, was assigned to be the case agent. He had worked on several big weapons smuggling cases before, but this was the most daunting assignment of his career. During the summer of 1999, he said, he and his team pieced together Siddiqui’s history of shipments and business ties.


6. A Sri Lankan 'ran the show'
According to Amin, the Dubai company to which the aluminum was supposed to be shipped was Sama Machinery and Equipment. Amin said he learned that Sama was controlled by one of Siddiqui's business partners, Buhary Syed Abu Tahir, a Sri Lankan operating out of Dubai and Malaysia. "From a practical point of view," Amin said, Tahir "ran the show." Since Dubai did not have aerospace or nuclear industries that would require the specialized aluminum, Amin wanted to know where the aluminum was really going. "That was really the million dollar question," he said.

アルミニウムが輸出されるはずだったドバイの受取人は、Sama Machinery and Equipment=サマ機械設備という会社だった。アミンが調べた結果では、この法人は輸出した英人シディキ氏の会社の共同経営者であるブハリ・シイド・アブタヒルというスリランカ人で、ドバイとマレーシアを本拠地にビジネスを行なっていることがわかった。現実的に判断して、タヒルは両方の場所での『run the show=商品の見本市』の役割」に過ぎない、とアミンは解読した。ドバイには、そういった特殊なアルミニウムを必要とする宇宙基地も核施設も存在しないからだ。

7. The Dubai-Pakistan connection
Increasingly, he said, evidence pointed to Dubai as the hub of an illicit procurement operation run by Khan, funneling nuclear technology to Pakistan. Authorities in Dubai, who Amin said typically weren’t cooperative on foreign investigations of nuclear proliferation matters, surprisingly allowed Amin to pursue his investigation there, as long as he worked with local police. After arriving in April 2000, Amin said, he made slow progress until he followed up on a Dubai telephone number found in Siddiqui’s diary for someone with the initials “D.S.” Amin said “D.S.” stood for “Dr. Sahib,” a Pakistani term of respect, in this case for A.Q. Khan.

UAEもご多分に漏れず 首長からイスラム教を信奉するアラブ民族国家 首都ドバイにあるジュメイラモスク
2000年4月にドバイへ到着したあと、証拠書類として押収したシディキ氏の日記に書かれた電話番号と、その持ち主らしきイニシャル「D.S.」の正体を探っていた。アミンの推理では「D.S.」は「Dr. Sahib」の略で、「Sahib」とはパキスタン語で「尊敬」を意味する。したがってこの場合はドクター・サヒブとはカーン博士を意味すると解釈した。
【米国時間 2007年11月1日 訳『米流時評』ysbee】
»» 次号・第2話「ドバイ » パキスタン » リビアの核コネクション」へ続く


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