
合法的に制圧された民主選挙 共産主義国家の資本主義 帝王を誇る国民
全ての矛盾を可能にする 新生ロシア帝国プーチン体制の秘密を解明する
By オーウェン・マシューズ | ニューズウィーク・モスクワ支局 | 『米流時評』ysbee 訳

Managing democracy and election under tightly coordinated plans
By Owen Matthews | Newsweek — Web Exclusive | Translation by ysbee
DECEMBER 3, 2007 — MOSCOW |Putin has killed democracy in the name of stability. How the tragedy of the latest election will haunt Russia in the years ahead. The Kremlin's spin-masters have invented a term for what happened in Russia on Sunday; they call it "managed democracy."
DECEMBER 3, 2007 | 米 流 時 評 | ブログ雑誌『 楽園通信』デイリー版

N E W S W E E K | M O S C O W
米国時間 2007年12月3日 | By オーウェン・マシューズ/ニューズウィーク | 『米流時評』ysbee 訳

European parliamentary observers had different words for that election today: they called it "unfair." The vote "failed to meet standards for democratic elections," the observers from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe's parliamentary assembly and the Council of Europe's parliamentary assembly said in Moscow. "There was widespread abuse of administrative resources … [and] media coverage was strongly biased in favor of the ruling party."

2. Two-third of Russians chose United Russia
Amid a blaze of media adulation of President Vladimir Putin some 65 percent of Russian voters chose United Russia, the official party of bureaucrats and careerists, which Putin heads. Nominally "contesting" the election were two other parties that also vocally support Putin—and a third, the communists, who claim to be antigovernment but who have, in practice, voted more or less as the Kremlin wishes for years.
ウラジミール・プーチン大統領に対する、過剰とも思える賞賛に埋まった一方的な報道のお陰で、ロシア国民の投票総数の65%以上が、プーチンを党首とする官僚と職業軍人で構成された与党のUnited Russia Party/ロシア統一党へとなだれ込んだ。

3. Even Lugovoi enters into parliement members
Among the latest crop of newly returned members to Putin's rubber-stamp parliament is Andrei Lugovoi, the former KGB officer wanted for the poisoning of former Russian security agent Alexander Litvinenko in London last November. In Putin's assertive new Russia, Lugovoi is considered a national hero.

4. 'Democracy' recalls Yeltsin era
It's hard to blame the Russians for their overwhelming support for Putin. To the average Russian voter "democracy" conjures nothing but memories of politicians' lies, official corruption and the thieving of the Yeltsin era. Similarly, "free market" means, to most Russians, the loss of their savings, grinding poverty and the spectacle of an undeserving clique of Kremlin cronies amassing obscene fortunes at the public's expense.

5. Dramatic improvement in living standard
Putin, in seven years in power, has presided over a dramatic improvement in ordinary Russians' standard of living, paid off the country's debts, and stood up on the international stage to defy what he calls American "hegemony."
7年間ロシアの執権を握ったプーチンの実績としては、まず第一に一般的ロシア庶民の生活水準をドラマチックと言えるほど向上させたこと。また国家の負債を支払って国家経済を目覚ましく隆盛させたこと。そして国際外交の表舞台では、アメリカに対峙して「American hegemony=米国覇権主義」と正面切って非難する立場をとったことが挙げられる。

6. Voting wonder in favor of a wise czar
ESmall wonder that Russians voted wholeheartedly in favor of the institution of a wise czar over the dangerous uncertainties of real democratic choice. Yet in truth, the death of Russian democracy is a tragedy—and a dangerous tragedy that will come back to haunt Russia and the world in years to come.

7. Myth of Putin's wisdom and greatness
The real problem is that the idea of Putin's wisdom and greatness is built on a carefully constructed myth. The Kremlin has succeeded, after having stamped out most independent media in the country early in Putin's first term, in persuading the Russian people that their newfound prosperity is due to the superior management and vision of Putin and his team.

8. Where Putin's economic miracle lies
He has also convinced a certain number of gullible Westerners of that, too—the kind of people Stalin called "useful idiots," to be wined and dined at Kremlin expense and carefully spoon-fed the party line. But the reality is that the whole foundation of the Putin's economic miracle lies in a twist of the world's commodity markets, which have sent prices for oil, gas and metals skyrocketing—and with them, Putin's ego. —— [To be continued.]
プーチンはまた自国のメディアに対して行なったと同様の懐柔策を、かなりの数の西側のジャーナリストに対しても実行した。スターリンならば「useful idiots=役に立つ馬鹿者ども」と呼んだであろうような懐柔しやすい連中を、クレムリンの経費で接待し、自らの党の方針に沿わせるよう抱き込んでいった。

»» 次号「プーチン神話・後編 プーチン王朝次世代オリガーキーの明日」へ続く
【米国時間 2007年12月3日『米流時評』ysbee 訳】

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by ysbee-2
| 2007-12-03 21:14
| プーチンのロシア