2007年の国際時事で もっとも注目された人物に選ばれたプーチン
米国時間07年12月19日 | リチャード・ステンゲル/TIME編集長 | 『米流時評』ysbee 訳
Choosing Order Before Freedom
Russia’s Communist Party vows to contest results; U.S. urges investigation
DECEMBER 19, 2007 | By Richard Stengel — TIME Magazine | Translation by ysbee
His final year as Russia's President has been his most successful yet. At home, he secured his political future. Abroad, he expanded his outsize—if not always benign—influence on global affairs.
DECEMBER 21, 2007 | 米 流 時 評 | ブログ雑誌『 楽園通信』デイリー版
w w w . T I M E . c o m
米国時間 2007年12月19日 | リチャード・ステンゲル/TIME誌編集長 | 『米流時評』ysbee 訳
1. The only nation in the upward winds
In a year when Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize and green became the new red, white and blue; when the combat in Iraq showed signs of cooling but Baghdad's politicians showed no signs of statesmanship; when China, the rising superpower, juggled its pride in hosting next summer's Olympic Games with its embarrassment at shipping toxic toys around the world; and when J.K. Rowling set millions of minds and hearts on fire with the final volume of her 17-year saga.
One nation that had fallen off our mental map, led by one steely and determined man, emerged as a critical linchpin of the 21st century. Russia lives in history—and history lives in Russia. Throughout much of the 20th century, the Soviet Union cast an ominous shadow over the world. It was the U.S.'s dark twin.
But after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Russia receded from the American consciousness as we became mired in our own polarized politics. And it lost its place in the great game of geopolitics, its significance dwarfed not just by the U.S. but also by the rising giants of China and India. That view was always naive. Russia is central to our world—and the new world that is being born.
It is the largest country on earth; it shares a 2,600-mile (4,200 km) border with China; it has a significant and restive Islamic population; it has the world's largest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction and a lethal nuclear arsenal; it is the world's second largest oil producer after Saudi Arabia; and it is an indispensable player in whatever happens in the Middle East. For all these reasons, if Russia fails, all bets are off for the 21st century. And if Russia succeeds as a nation-state in the family of nations, it will owe much of that success to one man, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
No one would label Putin a child of destiny. The only surviving son of a Leningrad factory worker, he was born after what the Russians call the Great Patriotic War, in which they lost more than 26 million people. The only evidence that fate played a part in Putin's story comes from his grandfather's job: he cooked for Joseph Stalin, the dictator who inflicted ungodly terrors on his nation.
誰もプーチンに「運命のおとしご」とブランドづけしようとはしない。彼は、レニングラード(現サンクトペテルスブルク)の一介の工場労働者の家に生まれた、兄弟の中で唯一生き延びた息子である。彼は、ロシア人が「the Great Patriotic War/大愛国戦争」と呼ぶ2600万人もの命が失われた内紛が、ひととおり治まった時代に生まれた。プーチンの生い立ちの逸話の中で「世紀の運命」らしきものがもし宿っているとすれば、その唯一の証しは彼の祖父の職業に由来するだろう。この父方の祖父は、神をも怖れぬ恐怖政治で祖国ロシアを恐慌に陥れた独裁者そのひと、ヨシフ・スターリンお抱えの調理人のひとりであった。
When this intense and brooding KGB agent took over as President of Russia in 2000, he found a country on the verge of becoming a failed state. With dauntless persistence, a sharp vision of what Russia should become and a sense that he embodied the spirit of Mother Russia, Putin has put his country back on the map. And he intends to redraw it himself. Though he will step down as Russia's President in March, he will continue to lead his country as its Prime Minister and attempt to transform it into a new kind of nation, beholden to neither East nor West.
TIME's Person of the Year is not and never has been an honor. It is not an endorsement. It is not a popularity contest. At its best, it is a clear-eyed recognition of the world as it is and of the most powerful individuals and forces shaping that world—for better or for worse. It is ultimately about leadership—bold, earth-changing leadership.
Putin is not a boy scout. He is not a democrat in any way that the West would define it. He is not a paragon of free speech. He stands, above all, for stability—stability before freedom, stability before choice, stability in a country that has hardly seen it for a hundred years.
Whether he becomes more like the man for whom his grandfather prepared blinis—who himself was twice TIME's Person of the Year—or like Peter the Great, the historical figure he most admires; whether he proves to be a reformer or an autocrat who takes Russia back to an era of repression—this we will know only over the next decade. At significant cost to the principles and ideas that free nations prize, he has performed an extraordinary feat of leadership in imposing stability on a nation that has rarely known it and brought Russia back to the table of world power. For that reason, Vladimir Putin is TIME's 2007 Person of the Year.
はたしてこの先プーチンは、彼の祖父がブリニスをこしらえて捧げた男、そして当タイム誌の「パースン・オブ・ジ・イヤー」に二度も選ばれた男(スターリン)の存在にますます似てくるだろうか? あるいは、彼自身がもっとも尊敬する歴史上の人物である、ピヨトール大帝のような帝王になるだろうか? それとも、ロシアを不況のどん底から甦らせた中興の改革者、あるいは切れ者の官僚と呼ばれるにすぎないのだろうか?
自由主義国家が賞賛する民主主義の基本や理想といったものを犠牲にしてまで、いまだかつて安定した社会というものをまれにしか見たことがなかった国家を安定させるために、とてつもない踏んばりをきかせてこの国を引っぱってきた男。そしてロシアという国を、ふたたび世界のスーパーパワーの国際的舞台に押し上げた男。そういう理由で、TIME誌の2007年の「Person of the Year=今年の人」は、ウラジミール・プーチンなのである。
【米国時間 2007年12月21日 『米流時評』ysbee 訳】
»» 次号「タイム誌独占インタビュー・プーチン大帝会見記」へ
記事リンク http://beiryu2.exblog.jp/6788713
TBリンク http://beiryu2.exblog.jp/tb/6788713
序 章 「プーチンの過ぎゆくままに」米国とロシアの『戦争と平和』
第1章 「メドベージェフ登場」プーチン次期後継者を指名
第2章 「明日のプーチン」メドべージェフ、プーチンを首相に逆指名
第3章 「ユーラシア連邦の野望」ポストプーチン時代の予測
第4章 「クレムリンの暗闘」プーチン王朝内部のパワー闘争
第5章 「プーチニズムの踏襲」次世代ロシア時代の到来
||| 『米流時評』 特集シリーズ |||
次世代冷戦時代 | グローバルウォー | イラク戦争 | 中東のパワーラビリンス | テロとスパイ陰謀
ユーラシアの回廊 | プーチンのロシア | ブッシュと米国政治 | サルコジのフランス | EUとNATO
アルカイダ2.0 核のテロ | パキスタン戒厳令の季節 | アフガン・タリバンの復活 | ビルマの赤い川革命
ダイハード中国 | 欧米の見る日本 | トンデモ北朝鮮 | 世界不思議探検 | グローバルビジネス
by ysbee-2
| 2007-12-21 14:14
| プーチンのロシア