第4章 さらば民主主義のアイコン
ロン・モロー/パキスタン | ニューズウィーク・サイト独占掲載 | 『米流時評』ysbee 訳
前号「第3章 ブットの遺言/息子を党首後継者に指名」からの続き
By Ron Morrow | NEWSWEEK — Web Exclusive | Translation by ysbee
DECEMBER 27, 2007 — As former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto was leaving a campaign rally in downtown Rawalpindi, not far from the headquarters of Pakistan's powerful armed forces, she poked her head out of the open moonroof of her armor-plated white Toyota Land Cruiser to wave at the crowd of admirers lining the street.
DECEMBER 30, 2007 | 米 流 時 評 | ブログ雑誌『 楽園通信』デイリー版
w w w . N E W S W E E K . c o m
ロン・モロー/パキスタン特派 | ニューズウィーク・サイト独占掲載 | 『米流時評』ysbee 訳
1. Sudden death by terrorism
Suddenly a gunman ran up to her car, peppering it with automatic-weapon fire and then exploding himself in a suicide bombing attack. Bhutto, who was standing inside the car, her head and shoulders exposed, was hit in the head and neck by the bullets, and died almost instantly. At least 20 others lost their lives in the blast that followed.
2. Fatal blow to Pakistan's democratization
Her untimely death in the suicide attack deals a major and perhaps even fatal blow to Pakistan's democratic aspirations. Bhutto's return from eight years of self-imposed exile a little more than two months ago had injected new energy and hope into the country's prodemocracy forces, who saw her as their best hope for transforming Pakistan's military-dominated political system into one that was more free and open and more dedicated to helping the mass of Pakistanis, who have yet to benefit from the country's impressive 6 percent economic growth rate.
3. Champion of democracy and human rights
Despite her many political faults and weaknesses, she was a champion of democracy and human rights and an advocate of dealing harshly with the country's armed and determined Islamic militants. These radicals are believed to be the ones most likely to have killed her.
4. Candor to bridge the sectarian politics
Not only did many Pakistanis see her as a symbol of hope for a more just and democratic society, the West too, led by the United States and Britain, saw her as someone who could work with the unpopular Musharraf to increase political stability and rally opposition to Pakistan's radical Islamists—especially the Al Qaeda supporters who have carved out a safe haven in the country's lawless tribal areas along the western frontier with Afghanistan.
5. West lobbied to Musharraf to welcome her
Washington and London supported her bid to return from exile, lobbying hard with Musharraf over the past year to get him to allow her to return without her having to face the slew of corruption charges that had been filed against her. Bhutto always claimed that those allegations of corruption, which happened during her two terms as prime minister during the late 1980s and mid-1990s, were politically motivated and that she was innocent.
6. Bhutto-Musharraf power-sharing pact
For the White House and Downing Street, a Bhutto-Musharraf power-sharing arrangement made a dream team. The West envisioned Musharraf as president, continuing to lead the fight against extremism, and Bhutto as prime minister, giving a more popular mandate to the Bush administration's war on terror and added impetus to the anti-jihad campaign.
7. Outspoken opponent of Islamic extremists
Bhutto indeed was an outspoken opponent of Islamic extremists. Just before and after her return from exile, she publicly vowed to fight radical Islamists in a more systematic way than Musharraf. She said she could rally more popular support for a battle that many Pakistanis see as a U.S.-led crusade against Islam in which Pakistanis should not be involved.
【米国時間 2007年12月30日 『米流時評』ysbee 訳】
»» 次号「第5章 真犯人は誰? 陰謀と暗殺の迷宮」へ
記事リンク http://beiryu2.exblog.jp/6869901
TBリンク http://beiryu2.exblog.jp/tb/6869901
12/27 米流時評「ブットの暗殺 序章・テロ戦争と核と米国政治」
12/27 第1章「パキスタンの悲劇 ・ブット暗殺の衝撃」
12/28 第2章「ブットの葬列・慟哭と暴動の奔流」
12/29 第3章「ブットの遺言・息子ビラワルが党首後継」
12/30 第4章「パキスタン・陰謀と暗殺の迷宮」
»» 米流時評 特集「パキスタン・戒厳令の季節」
11/03 米流時評「パキスタン戒厳令の季節・序章」
11/04 戒厳令と米国 前編「民主化十字軍ブッシュのジレンマ」
11/05 戒厳令と米国・後編「テロ戦争と民主化の皮肉な運命」
11/06 ジョー・バイデンの諌言「ムシャラフを切れ」
11/09 ムシャラフの朝令暮改「ブットを自宅拘束後解放」
11/10 ムシャラフの大弾圧「パキスタン国民から猛反撥」
11/10 ブットの警告「パキスタンは爆発寸前の危機」
11/11 ブットの挑戦「国民総決起デモで対立決戦」
11/12 ブットのラホーレ入城「またもや7日間の自宅拘束」
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11/19 第1章「パキスタンのダークスーツ革命」司法の独立を守る弁護士たち
11/20 第2章「ホワイトスカーフ革命」民主主義を守るブット支援の女性たち(未掲載)
11/21 第3章「アイボリータワー革命」弾圧に抗議するカーン支援の学生たち(未掲載)
11/22 英雄伝説 前編「戒厳令下のヒーロー イムラン・カーン」
11/23 英雄伝説 後編「パキスタンの明日に賭けるイムラン・カーン」
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by ysbee-2
| 2007-12-30 18:07
| パキスタン戒厳令の季節