
By ストライカー・マクガイア/ニューズウィーク | 『米流時評』ysbee 訳
米国時間2008年2月6日 【前号からの続き】
中国人は、ネズミ年の新年が明けて旧正月を祝っている最中だが、同時に米国の大統領選に対しても大いに関心の目を向けている。もしも中国人に、クリントンとオバマのどちらかを無理矢理選ばせたとしたら、どちらに軍配を上げるだろうか? 中国のお役人ならば、親しみやすさと現状維持の観点から、クリントン候補を好む傾向が強い。

Interest in American presidential campaign heats up with Super Tuesday.
By Howard Fineman — Analysis | NEWSWEEK — WEB EXCLUSIVE | Translation by ysbee
Continued from the previous issue — The Chinese may be celebrating the Year of the Rat, but they don't play down the significance of the U.S. elections either. If forced to choose between Clinton and Obama, Chinese officials, who prize familiarity and the status quo, would marginally prefer Clinton.
FEBRUARY 6, 2008 | 米 流 時 評 | ブログ雑誌『 楽園通信』デイリー版

N E W S W E E K | E X C L U S I V E
米国時間08年2月6日午前9時 | ストライカー・マクガイア/ニューズウィーク | 『米流時評』ysbee 訳

They have a sense for her and her politics and a fondness for Bill Clinton, who didn't give Beijing a hard time on the only seriously neuralgic Sino-U.S. issue—Taiwan. Still, the Beijing regime is well aware that any new U.S. administration can be expected to have a bit of a learning curve on China once it takes office, and that campaign-trail rhetoric does not always translate into policy once a contender becomes the commander in chief.

10. South Africa, Australia
Physical distance is no obstacle when it comes to fascination with this year's American spectacle. In Johannesburg, the Mail & Guardian looked ahead to "the battle of the airwaves … already underway in the next round of primary states." On the Sydney Morning Herald Web site, which features a glitzy multimedia "Super Tuesday Showdown," "Clinton polls strongly on Super Tuesday" was the most-viewed article on Wednesday—topping even a story about the model "Elle McPherson and her 21-year-old toyboy."

11. O Globo — Brazil
Wednesday's edition of O Globo, the Rio de Janeiro daily, carries a commentary by political analyst Merval Pereira, titled WHAT CHANGE?, which is a thinly disguised tout for Obama, arguing that because Clinton is the Democrat's "establishment" candidate, she is unlikely to represent significant change. On the other hand, "Barack Obama would be the real [candidate of] change. Even if this is just a dream version of reality."

12. Haarez — Israel
As disrespected as President Bush is around the world, he remains a popular figure in Israel, where he's seen as a stalwart guardian of Israeli interests. Unsurprisingly, interest in those seeking to succeed him runs high. For several months now, the Haaretz newspaper has been running a feature called "The Israel Factor: Ranking the Presidential Candidates." A panel ranks contenders on a scale of 1 to 9, with 9 being the most pro-Israel. McCain is currently ranked highest, at 7.75; Clinton comes in at 7.5, with Obama trailing at 5.12.

13. In an era of U.S. hegemony
Americans are often accused of ignoring events that occur beyond their borders even in a world transformed by globalization. In an era of U.S. hegemony, the rest of the world doesn't have that option — as the rapt attention to Campaign 2008 demonstrates in spades.
With Melinda Liu in Beijing, Owen Matthews in Moscow, Kevin Peraino in Jerusalem and Christopher Werth in London.
【米国時間 2008年2月6日 『米流時評』ysbee 訳】

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by ysbee-2
| 2008-02-08 22:36
| 2008年米国大統領選