速報!米国大使館襲撃事件 ベオグラードデモでセルビア人焼死
米国時間 2008年2月21日 午後1時20分 | MSNBC 臨時ニュース |『米流時評』ysbee 訳
セルビア・ベオグラード発 |現地時間で21日木曜夜、セルビアの首都ベオグラードの米国大使館に、数百人のセルビア人デモ隊が乱入、放火して大使館の一部が炎上した。今回のデモ隊は、セルビアからのアルバニア人のコソボ独立を、米国と英仏ほか西欧国家が支持したことに抗議する目的で、17日の独立以来セルビア各地で繰り広げられていた抗議の一環である。
Protesters Break into U.S. Embassy in Serbia
Support for Kosovo independence raised tensions with Balkan nation
FEBRUARY 21, 2008, 1:00 p.m. EST | MSNBC — BREAKING | Translation by ysbee
BELGRADE, Serbia — Protesters broke into the U.S. embassy in Belgrade on Thursday and set fires, cheered on by crowds outside rallying against U.S. support for Kosovo's independence.
米国時間 2月21日 午後5時14分 | NBC 臨時ニュース第2報 | セルビア・ベオグラード発
Protesters Burn U.S. Embassy in Serbia
Body found inside as tensions soar over Kosovo independence
FEBRUARY 21, 2008, 5:14 p.m. EST | MSNBC — BREAKING | Translation by ysbee
BELGRADE, Serbia — A charred body was found inside the U.S. Embassy Thursday after Serb rioters protesting Kosovo's declaration of independence set fire to offices there. It was unknown whose body was in the burned office.
FEBRUARY 21, 2008 | 米 流 時 評 | ブログ雑誌『 楽園通信』デイリー版
M S N B C N E W S | B R E A K I N G
米国時間 2008年2月21日 午後1時20分 | MSNBC・臨時ニュース | 訳『米流時評』ysbee
"It was found at the part of the building set on fire by the protesters," embassy spokeswoman Rian Harris said. She said all embassy staffers were accounted for; Belgrade's Pink TV said the body appeared to be that of a rioter. The State Department issued a travel alert for Americans in Serbia.
2. Serbian Protesters stormed into U.S. Embassy
Masked men broke into the U.S. compound in Belgrade, which has been closed this week, and tried to throw furniture from an office. They set fire to the office and flames shot up the side of the building. It took police about 45 minutes to appear at the scene, and firefighters arrived about the same time and put out the blaze. Police secured the U.S. Embassy and surrounding area, blocking off all access.
3. U.S. outraged, Tadic pleads for calm
The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Zalmay Khalilzad, said he was "outraged" by the attack and would ask the U.N. Security Council to issue a unanimous statement "expressing the council's outrage, condemning the attack, and also reminding the Serb government of its responsibility to protect diplomatic facilities." Serbia's President Boris Tadic, on an official visit to Romania, appealed for calm and urged the protesters to stop the attacks and move away from the streets.
4. Crucial moment after independence of Kosovo
Tadic said that violence was "damaging" Serbia's efforts to defend Kosovo, which declared its independence from Belgrade on Sunday. More than a dozen nations have recognized Kosovo's declaration of independence, including the United States, Britain, France and Germany. But the declaration by Kosovo's ethnic Albanian leadership has been rejected by Serbia's government and the ethnic Serbians who populate northern Kosovo.
5. Serbia government dismissed the danger
For several days, Kosovo's Serbs have shown their anger by destroying U.N. and NATO property, setting off small bombs and staging noisy rallies. The nationalist government of Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica appears to have tolerated the rioting and looting, which first broke out on Sunday. Government ministers have dismissed such incidents in previous days as "insignificant," and the police were not deployed on Thursday to guard the U.S. Embassy which has been targeted in the past.
6. 'It is all under their control'
Kostunica's critics claim that he is planning to use the troubles as an excuse to crack down against pro-Western liberals in the country, and to block efforts by Tadic to gain membership for Serbia in the European Union. "I cannot tell if the authorities are going to allow this to escalate, and how long they will let this go on, but it is absolutely clear that it is all under their control." said Vesna Pesic from the pro-Western Liberal Democratic Party whose offices also have been attacked.
「警察はいったいいつまでこの騒ぎをエスカレートさせるのか、どこまでやつらを放置したままでおくのか、わかったもんじゃない。しかしひとつだけはっきりしていることがある。今起きている出来事は、すべて彼らのコントロールの元に進めているということだ。」親欧米派のLiberal Democratic Party=自由民主党のヴェスナ・ペシッチ氏はこう語って、警察の治安体制の手落ちを意図的なものだと決めつけた。彼のオフィスもまた、今回の襲撃の対象となっている。
7. Triggering attacks on other embassies
On Thursday, the neighboring Croatian Embassy also was targeted by the same group of protesters at the U.S. Embassy, and smaller groups attacked police posts outside the Turkish and British embassies in another part of the city but were beaten back. Elite police paramilitaries drove armored jeeps down the street outside the U.S. Embassy and fired dozens of tear gas canisters to clear crowds. The protesters fled into side streets where they continued clashing with the police.
8. Protesters target on the U.S. facilities
Groups also broke into a McDonald's restaurant and demolished the interior. A number of other shops were also ransacked and people were seen carrying off running shoes, track suits and other sporting goods from a department store. Doctors at Belgrade's emergency clinic reported treating more than 30 injured, half of whom were policemen. All were lightly injured, said Dusan Jovanovic, deputy chief of the clinic, adding that most of the injured protesters were "extremely drunk."
【米国時間 2008年2月21日 『米流時評』ysbee 訳】
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