オバマカルトの出現? You-Tube時代の選挙戦略の功罪


【米国時間 2008年3月10日 『米流時評』ysbee 記】
MARCH 8, 2008 | 米 流 時 評 | ブログ雑誌『 楽園通信』デイリー版

N E W S W E E K | P O L I T I C A L B L O G
米国時間 2008年3月7日 | アンドリュー・ロマーノ/ニューズウィーク | 訳『米流時評』ysbee

"Infrahumanization" occurs by millions of passionate but anonymous voices
By Andrew Romano | NEWSWEEK — Political Blog "STUMPER" | Translation by ysbee
Continued from the previous issue — As the campaign drags on and Dems on either side dig in, the infrahumanization is clearly increasing in intensity.

11. Emotional name-call as 'Obama cult'
Clintonites, for example, like to call Obama supporters "cultish." It's a shorthand way to suggest that they lack reason and emotional stability — making it easier to justify attacks.

12. Dehumanization of 'infrahumanization'
"We can reassure ourselves they won't hurt like we'd be hurt because they aren't exactly like us emotionally," writes Smith. "We can and do suspend our empathy."

13. Campaign in the Blogsphere, You-Tube era
Of course, infrahumanization occurs every election cycle. But this time around, the Internet — where supporters establish the public tone of debate — is undeniably an aggravating factor. Research has shown that "physical proximity usually mitigates against the infrahumanizing tendency we all seem to share" — and proximity is precisely what the Web prohibits.

Couple online anonymity with an endless, evenly matched campaign centered not on policy differences but on personal qualities — including the sensitive issues of race and gender — and you've got a recipe for a whole new level of divisive Dem-on-Dem hostility.

15. Millions of anonymous, "infrahumanizing" voices
Passion, of course, is fine. Calling someone a "monster"? Sort of counterproductive. It's good that Power has zipped her lips. But the fact is, one prominent adviser can't do nearly as much damage as millions of anonymous, "infrahumanizing" voices. And they only seem to be getting louder.

To clarify: Goolsbee denies using those words, but despite recent reports that the original leak referenced the Clinton camp, not Team Obama. It is an incontrovertible fact that Goolsbee met with Canadian consular officials in Chicago and said something that they interpreted as suggesting Obama's NAFTA rhetoric was more extreme than his plans.

The unfortunate part is that while a Clinton staffer may have indeed originally told Canadian officials to take HER words with a "grain of salt"—as the initial leaker said—somehow the Canadian press started digging in Obama's sandbox. I don't know how that happened. But in the end, the AP turned up this memo confirming and describing Goolsbee's meeting with the Canadians. So it happened, end of story.

Here's the relevant passage: The memo obtained by the AP was widely distributed within the Canadian government. It is more than 1,300 words and covers many topics that DeMora said were discussed in the Feb. 8 "introductory meeting" between himself, Goolsbee and the consul general in Chicago, Georges Rioux.

Goolsbee "was frank in saying that the primary campaign has been necessarily domestically focused, particularly in the Midwest, and that much of the rhetoric that may be perceived to be protectionist is more reflective of political maneuvering than policy," the memo's introduction said.

"On NAFTA, Goolsbee suggested that Obama is less about fundamentally changing the agreement and more in favour of strengthening/clarifying language on labour mobility and environment and trying to establish these as more `core' principles of the agreement." Goolsbee said that sentence is true and consistent with Obama's position.
【米国時間 2008年3月10日 『米流時評』ysbee 訳】


TBリンク http://beiryu2.exblog.jp/tb/7461317



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by ysbee-2
| 2008-03-10 20:30
| 2008年米国大統領選