地震4日目・死者5万 負傷者10万 生き埋め1万2千名
||| 四川大地震レポート・4日目 |||
米国時間 2008年5月15日 | MSNBCニュース・四川省瀘沽発 | 訳『米流時評』ysbee
China Says Earthquake Toll Could Top 50,000
Government issues a rare public appeal for rescue equipment
MAY 15, 2008 11:47 a.m. | MSNBC — BREAKING | Translation by ysbee
LUOSHUI TOWN, China — The death toll from China's massive earthquake could reach more than 50,000, the official Xinhua news agency reported on Thursday, quoting rescue headquarters. Already some 20,000 are confirmed dead as a result of Monday's 7.9 magnitude quake, and at least 12,300 people remained buried and another 102,100 were injured in Sichuan province, where the quake was centered, the vice governor told reporters.
MAY 15, 2008 | 米 流 時 評 | ブログ雑誌『 楽園通信』デイリー版
M S N B C N E W S | B R E A K I N G
米国時間 2008年5月15日 | MSNBCニュース・四川省瀘沽発 | 訳『米流時評』ysbee
1. Severely damaged epicenter, Wenchuan, Beichuan
Forty-four counties and districts in Sichuan were severely hit, with about half of the 20 million people living there directly affected, Xinhua said. Roads were cleared to two key areas that bore the brunt of the quake’s force, with workers making it to the border of Wenchuan county at the epicenter and also through to hard-hit Beichuan county, Xinhua reported. Communication cables were also reconnected to Wenchuan.
2. Surging force to 116,000 under Chengdu Command
The Chengdu Military Area Command also planned to airdrop 50,000 packets of food, 5,000 cotton-padded quilts and clothes there, part of the military rescue operation that has grown to include more than 116,000 soldiers and police. Dujiangyan city was clogged with buses and trucks decked out with banners from companies saying they were offering aid to disaster victims. One tour bus was stuffed full of water bottles, cartons of biscuits and instant noodles.
3. Zipingpu dam cracks threat the downriver villages
Hundreds of troops marched to the epicenter across the Zipingpu dam that had reportedly suffered cracks from the disaster, raising fears it could endanger communities downriver. There was no repair work or extra security seen Thursday at the dam by an Associated Press photographer, indicating the threat to the structure had likely passed.
4. PM Wen visited Qingchuan schoool site
Premier Wen Jiabao visited Qingchuan in northern Sichuan province, site of a collapsed school that buried dozens of children, to encourage doctors and nurses aiding the injured. “The party and the government are grateful to you. The people need you,” he said in footage shown on CCTV. “They see you as a relative. Every act and word of yours represents the government.”
5. Finally accepted rescue offer from Japan
After days of refusing foreign relief workers, China accepted an offer from Japan to send a rescue team, Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said in an announcement posted on the ministry Web site.
6. Even accept the Taiwan's support
Taiwan's Red Cross said rival China also agreed to accept a 20-person emergency relief team from the island. Taiwan is also sending a cargo plane to Chengdu with tents and medical supplies. The Air Macau plane will make a brief stop in Macau. Taiwan and China, which split during civil war in 1949, have banned regular direct links and other formal contacts as political disputes persist.
7. Tens of thousands homeless streamed into Deyang
As the rescue effort gathered momentum, the depth of the problem of tens of thousands homeless stretched government resources. North of Chengdu in Deyang, the largest town near the devastated areas of Hanwang and Mianyang, thousands of people have streamed into the city hospital since Monday, mostly with head or bone injuries.
救援活動が空前のスケールで展開される中、住む家を失った数万人の住民が難民化し、中国政府が新たに抱える深刻な問題として急浮上してきた。成都市の北にある徳陽 (デヤン) 市は、四川省の大都市としては、激震の直撃を受け潰滅状態の汉王 (ハンワン) 市や綿陽 (ミャンヤン) 市から距離的に近いため、12日月曜の地震発生以来、住む家と家財道具一切を失った数万人の難民が、当市内の病院へ引きも切らず訪れているが、その大半が頭部打撲や骨折などの怪我の手当を要している。
8. 'This is only a beginning of this battle'
“This is only a beginning of this battle, and a long way lies ahead of us,” Vice Health Minister Gao Qiang told reporters in Beijing. No outbreaks of disease had struck refugees, who were being immunized against some illnesses, Gao said. Workers were seeking to ensure safety of drinking water and removing corpses to prevent the spread of bacteria. Patients heavily wrapped in bandages and with cuts and bruises were huddled in canvas tents in the hospital’s parking lot.
9. 33 foreign tourists airlifted from Wolong
There were piles of donated clothing for survivors at the hospital and stands for them to make free telephone calls. Handwritten notes with names of the injured were posted on a board in front of the hospital’s emergency section, where ambulances arrived every few minutes. A group of 33 American, British and French tourists were airlifted from Wolong, site of the world’s most famous panda preserve, to the provincial capital of Chengdu on Thursday morning, Xinhua reported. All were in good health, Xinhua said.
一方15日木曜の朝、パンダの生息保護区として世界的に有名な四川省臥龍(ウォロン)の自然公園からは、米・英・フランス人ら総勢33名の外人観光客グループがヘリで救出され、省都である成都市へと運ばれたが、一行は全員無事で健康状態も良好と新華社通信は伝えている。 »» 続く
【米国時間 2008年5月15日 『米流時評』ysbee 訳】
記事リンク http://beiryu2.exblog.jp/7914108
TBリンク http://beiryu2.exblog.jp/tb/7914108
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by ysbee-2
| 2008-05-15 19:28
| 四川大地震と核施設