号外!中国 聖火リレーを一時中止 地震の犠牲者慰霊で3日間

||| 聖火リレー、犠牲者慰霊で3日間休止 |||

米国時間 2008年5月18日 | ロイター通信・ニュース速報 | 訳『米流時評』ysbee
四川省北川発 | 現地時間で18日日曜、北京五輪の主催者である実行委員会本部は、地震の犠牲者の喪に服するために、3日間オリンピックの聖火リレーを一時休止すると発表した。またリレーの一時休止にともなって、中国政府はすべての公共施設に掲げられている国旗を半旗にすることと、公的なリクレーション活動の一時休止を、国民に指令した。この指令により、中国全土では19日月曜の午後2時28分に、国民全員が3分間の黙祷を捧げることになっている。これは12日月曜の午後、四川省を地震が襲ったまさにその時刻である。

Official death toll reaches almost 32,500; strong aftershocks rock the region
MAY 18, 2008 7:50 a.m. | REUTERS — BREAKING | Translation by ysbee
BEICHUAN, China — Beijing Olympic organizers said on Sunday that they were suspending the Olympic torch relay for three days as part of a national mourning for earthquake victims. Aside from the relay, the government is ordering all flags be flown at half-staff and a halt to all public recreation activities. The country will observe three minutes of silence Monday at 2:28 in the afternoon — the time the quake.
MAY 18, 2008 | 米 流 時 評 | ブログ雑誌『 楽園通信』デイリー版

R E U T E R S | B R E A K I N G
北京オリンピックの聖火リレーを 地震の犠牲者慰霊で3日間中止
米国時間 2008年5月18日 | 四川省瀘沽発・ロイター通信/MSNBCニュース | 訳『米流時評』ysbee

The announcement came as police tried to stop anguished relatives from streaming into one of the worst affected areas of the massive earthquake, as another strong aftershock hit the region and the death toll rose to nearly 32,500, with a further 220,000 injured. Hundreds of aftershocks have rattled Sichuan province following last Monday's devastating 7.9 magnitude quake, and officials are concerned the tremors could bring down more unstable buildings and rupture already leaky dams.

2. Concerns over safety of nuclear facilities
Early on Sunday, a 6.1 magnitude tremor caused thousands to flee swaying buildings in the provincial capital, Chengdu, some 125 miles south of the new tremor's epicenter. The official Xinhua news agency said there had been no reports of casualties, but more roads been seriously damaged. But concerns over the safety of nuclear facilities, including China's chief nuclear weapons research lab, close to the affected zone were allayed. Xinhua reported that they were "all in a safe and controllable state".

3. Evacuation by warnings of a collapsing dam
In Beichuan, hard hit by the quake and which many people fled on Saturday following warnings a dam may collapse, worried relatives quarreled with police who tried to prevent them entering the area, citing safety reasons. "I've traveled all this way, and I don't know where my father is," said Chen Shiquan, who had come back from the neighboring province of Qinghai where he works to look for this father, Chen Xiaoqu. "To let me get this far and then not let me in is too cruel," he added.

4. Mass exodus from hard-hit Beichuan
Thousands of people have fled the Beichuan area amid fears a lake could burst its banks, hampering rescue efforts after the deadliest earthquake in more than three decades. At least three barrier lakes, formed after rocks blocked a river, had burst their banks but caused no casualties, Xinhua said. "There has been no bursting of reservoirs in the quake-hit areas," the report added.

Fu Xingyue, looking for his daughter who was supposed to turn 6 the day after the quake happened, brushed off safety concerns. "I don't think the dam is a big threat, and anyway, there's nothing I can do. I have to keep searching," said Fu, who works as a truck driver and has spent days desperately searching though rubble and shouting out his daughter's name.

Rescue work has been complicated by bad weather, treacherous terrain and hundreds of aftershocks. But victims are still being pulled alive from the rubble. In Yingxiu, close to the epicenter of Monday's 7.9 magnitude quake, at least 56 people were rescued over the past 24 hours, the official Xinhua news agency said on Sunday. On Sunday morning, rescuers pulled a man out of a collapsed hospital in Beichuan, but had to amputate his legs first, Xinhua said. "The survivor, in sober mind, was carefully carried out by firefighters amid strong applause," it added.

An estimated 10,000 people or so are still trapped under the rubble, but most are believed dead. Dozens of schools collapsed in the area, crushing to death thousands of children taking classes at the time. Officials pulled out more bodies from the wreckage of the local primary school in Beichuan on Sunday. Forty-one corpses were laid out in front of the school. A strong smell of ammonia and incense hung over the town, which was littered with boulders the size of four-wheel drive from a nearby mountain slope. All of the buildings in the town were either destroyed or appeared beyond repair.

Offers of help have flooded in and rescue teams with sniffer dogs and specialized equipment have arrived from Japan, Russia, Taiwan, South Korea, the United States and Singapore. Donations from home and abroad have topped 6 billion yuan ($858 million). Yet Fujiya Koji, head of the Japanese rescue team in Sichuan, told Reuters that chances of finding more survivors were low. "We haven't been able to find any survivors yet. Generally by this stage the likelihood of survival is low. They say they have been finding some in Beichuan and we'll certainly keep trying," he added.

Statistics from past earthquakes show survivors have been found up to nearly a fortnight after being trapped. China has said it expects the final death toll from the earthquake to exceed 50,000. About 4.8 million people have lost their homes and the days are numbered in which survivors can be found. Premier Wen said the quake was "the biggest and most destructive" since before the Communist revolution of 1949 and the quick response had helped reduce casualties.
【米国時間 2008年5月18日 『米流時評』ysbee 訳】

TBリンク http://beiryu2.exblog.jp/tb/7927919



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by ysbee-2
| 2008-05-18 21:50
| 四川大地震と核施設