||| 米国・イラン30年ぶりに国交回復へ |||
米国時間2008年7月17日午前2時50分 | ロイター通信・ニュース速報 | 訳『米流時評』
ロンドン発 |米国は来月、イランとの30年間の国交断絶をやぶって、テヘランに米国の外交出先機関を設立する計画を発表する予定であるというスクープを、英国のガーディアン紙が17日木曜の朝刊に掲載した。同紙の一面トップを飾ったこの記事では、米国政府はイランの首都に、大使館開設までの足掛かりとなるような米国政府の施設を開設する予定であると書かれている。
トップ:マレーシアのクアラルンプール空港へ到着した 左からイランのモタキ外相、アフマディネジャド大統領
Report: U.S. to Establish Presence in Tehran
Article in U.K.'s Guardian says U.S. would end 30-year absence
JULY 17, 2008, 2:50 a.m. EST | REUTERS — BREAKING | Translation by ysbee
LONDON — The United States will announce in the next month that it plans to establish a diplomatic presence in Tehran for the first time in 30 years, a British newspaper said Thursday. In a front-page report, the Guardian said Washington would open a U.S. interests section in the Iranian capital, halfway towards opening an embassy.
JULY 17, 2008 | 米 流 時 評 | ブログ雑誌『 楽園通信』デイリー版
R E U T E R S | B R E A K I N G
米国時間 2008年7月17日午前2時50分 | ロイター通信・ニュース速報 | 訳『米流時評』ysbee
The unsourced report by the newspaper’s Washington correspondent said: “The Guardian has learned that an announcement will be made in the next month to establish a U.S. interests section in Tehran, a halfway house to setting up a full embassy. “The move will see US diplomats stationed in the country,” the paper wrote.
2. A remarkable turnaround in Iran policy
Senior U.S. diplomat William Burns said in testimony to Congress last week the United States was looking to opening up an interest section in Tehran but had not made a decision yet. The Guardian said the development was “a remarkable turnaround in policy by President George Bush who has pursued a hawkish approach to Iran throughout his time in office.”
3. U.S. envoy joining the nuke talks
Washington said Wednesday it was sending Burns to join atomic talks with Iran this weekend to signal to Tehran and others that Washington wanted a diplomatic solution to their nuclear impasse. Iran says its nuclear work is for peaceful power generation, and not for the development of nuclear weapons as the West suspects, and has rejected conditions it give up uranium enrichment.
4. 'Iran would consider any proposal by the U.S.'
On Sunday, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad suggested Iran would consider any proposal by the United States for a U.S. interests section in the Islamic Republic, should one be forthcoming. U.S. media have reported that the State Department is considering opening an interests section that could mean U.S. diplomats returning to Tehran but operating under another country’s flag.
5. Reviving ties cut off since hostage crisis
The United States cut off diplomatic ties with Tehran during the 1979-1981 hostage crisis, in which a group of militant Iranian students held 52 U.S. diplomats hostage at the American embassy for 444 days. Iran maintains an interests section at the embassy of Pakistan in Washington. Mottaki said it serves the large Iranian community in the United States.
それ以来イランは米国との外交折衝の窓口を、ワシントン駐在のパキスタン大使館を経由してかろうじて連絡を取っていた。イランのモタキ外相の説明では、今回の外交関係復活は、米国国内に在住するイラン人社会にとって、大きな前進であると表明した。 [了]
【米国時間 2008年7月17日 『米流時評』ysbee 訳】
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by ysbee-2
| 2008-07-17 18:20
| 中東のパワーラビリンス