||| イスラマバード・マリオット爆破テロ |||
パキスタン・イスラマバード発 |現地時間で20日土曜夜、パキスタンの首都イスラマバードを代表するホテル、マリオット・イスラマバードを自爆テロリストが襲撃。欧米人に人気のある場所として厳重な警戒が敷かれていたにもかかわらず、爆薬を搭載したトラックが突入し、ホテルは爆破炎上。その結果、現時点で確認されただけでも40名が死亡。米国主導のテロ戦争の主要戦力であるパキスタンが対峙する、テロリスト勢力の執拗な反撃を示す大惨事となった。
Huge Suicide Blast at Hotel in Pakistan Capital
At least 40 killed at Marriott, which is popular with foreigners
SEPTEMBER 20, 2008 | NBC News Network — AFGHANISTAN | Translation by ysbee
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A huge suicide truck bomb devastated the heavily guarded Marriott Hotel in Pakistan's capital Saturday, killing at least 40 people and engulfing the building in flames in a sickening reminder of the threat in a country vital to the U.S.-led war on terror.
SEPTEMBER 20, 2008 | 米 流 時 評 | ブログ雑誌『 楽園通信』デイリー版
米国時間 2008年9月20日午後2時56分 | AP/ロイター/CNN/MSNBC | 訳『米流時評』ysbee
The five-floor Marriott has been a favorite place for foreigners as well as Pakistani politicians and business people to stay and socialize in Islamabad despite repeated militant attacks. It served as the de facto back office for the international media during the 2001 war against the Taliban in neighboring Afghanistan. Also other information of local TV reported the casualties may surpass 60.
Two hospitals said 10 foreigners were among those in their treatment, including one each from Germany, Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Afghanistan. Officials said at least 250 people were injured, NBC News reported. Also other information of local TV reported the casualties may surpass 60. Witnesses spoke of a smaller blast followed by a much larger one. The blast was so distractive that the building windows in miles away were shattered.
Witnesses and officials said a large truck had rammed the high metal gate of the hotel at about 8 p.m., when the restaurants would have been packed with dinners, including Muslims breaking the Ramadan fast. Senior police official Asghar Raza Gardaizi said rescuers had counted at least 40 bodies at the scene and he feared that there "dozens more dead inside." Associated Press reporters saw at least nine bodies scattered at the scene.
The blast left a vast crater, some 30 feet deep in front of the main building, where flames poured from the windows and rescuers ferried a stream of bloodied bodies from the gutted building. More were feared trapped inside the hotel as crews tried to extinguish flames from the blast. U.S. Embassy officials were trying to account for embassy staff and any other Americans affected. Scores of people, including foreigners, were running out — some of them stained with blood.
A U.S. State Department official led three colleagues through the rubble from the charred building, one of them bleeding heavily from a wound on the side of his head. One of the four, who identified himself only as Tony, said they had begun moving toward the rear of the Chinese restaurant after the first blast when the second one threw them against the back wall. "Then we saw a big truck coming to the gates," he said. "After that it was just smoke and darkness."
Ambulances rushed to the area, picking their way through the charred carcasses of vehicles that had been in the street outside. Senior police official Asghar Raza Gardaizi said the blast, which reverberated throughout Islamabad, was caused by more than a ton of explosives. Mohammad Sultan, a hotel employee, said he was in the lobby when something exploded, he fell down and everything temporarily went dark. "I didn't understand what it was, but it was like the world is finished," he said.
The White House condemned the attack, calling it a "reminder of the threat we all face." "The United States strongly condemns the terrorist attack that took place in Islamabad, Pakistan," said White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe. "The United States will stand with Pakistan's democratically elected government as they confront this challenge."
A senior U.S. counter terrorism official told NBC News that while it is "too early" to say who is responsible for the attack in Islamabad, "the attack bears all the hallmarks of an attack by al- Qaida or al-Qaida associates" like the Taliban. "Al-Qaida has to be at the top of the list," said the official, noting the sophistication of the attack and the large volume of explosives used in it. "There are no claims we are aware of it," he added, but suggested it would not be long before there will be one.
米国のテロ対抗部門の高官がNBCニュース(ペンタゴンデスクのミクロウズースキー記者) に語った内容では、「イスラマバードテロ襲撃の犯人を指摘するには時期尚早だが、襲撃の方法から推測すると、アルカイダかあるいはタリバンのようなアルカイダシンパのテロリストグループの仕業であることを示す特徴が随所に見られる」と分析する。また極めて効率的な手慣れた攻撃方法や、使用された爆薬の巨大な量から推して、容疑者リストのトップにくるのはアルカイダに間違いないと結論づけ、まだどのグループからも犯行声明が出ていない事は承知してはいるが、いずれ近いうちに公表があるものと推測している。
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the blast. But Pakistan has faced a wave of militant violence in recent weeks following army-led offensives against insurgents in its border regions. The capital has not been spared from recent clashes, though Saturday's blast appeared to be one of the largest ever terrorist attacks in the country.
In June, a suicide car bomber killed at least six people near the Danish Embassy in Islamabad. In July, a suicide bombing killed at least 18 people, most of them security forces, and wounded dozens in Islamabad as supporters of the Red Mosque gathered nearby to mark the anniversary of the military siege on the militant stronghold.
In June, a suicide car bomber killed at least six people near the Danish Embassy in Islamabad. A statement attributed to al-Qaida took responsibility for that blast, believed to have targeted Denmark over the publication of cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad. In mid-March, a bomb explosion at an Italian restaurant killed a Turkish woman in the capital, and wounded 12 others, including four FBI officials.
デンマーク大使館が攻撃のターゲットとなった理由は、イスラム教の預言者マホメッドを揶揄するマンガが、デンマークの新聞に掲載されたためと解釈されているが、事件後にアルカイダが爆破襲撃の犯行声明を発表した。さらにさかのぼって3月中旬には、同じくイスラマバードのイタリアンレストランで爆破テロが起き、トルコ人女性が死亡、4名のFBIエージェントを含む12名が負傷している。 [了]
【米国時間2008年9月20日『米流時評』ysbee 訳】
» 9/20 NBC Nightly News — Ann Curry reports
Deadly blast destroys Pakistani hotel
» 9/20 NBC Nightly News — Richard Engel reports
Militants trying to destabilize new Pakistani leader
»» 次号 「警告!パキスタン軍、領空侵犯の米軍ヘリを砲撃」へ続く
記事リンク http://beiryu2.exblog.jp/8643752
TBリンク http://beiryu2.exblog.jp/tb/8643752
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