不屈のビルマ 自由の僧衣・9千名解放のミャンマー恩赦
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【米国時間2008年9月24日『米流時評』ysbee 】
Myanmar Frees Political Prisoner after 19 years
Aide to opposition leader Suu Kyi is among the 9,000 released by junta
SEPTEMBER 23, 2008 | Associated Press — BREAKING | Translation by ysbee
YANGON, Myanmar — Myanmar's longest-serving political prisoner was among more than 9,000 inmates freed Tuesday, days before the first anniversary of the junta's deadly crackdown on anti-government protests led by Buddhist monks. The amnesty granted to 9,002 prisoners around the country was believed to be one of the largest the junta has approved.
SEPTEMBER 24, 2008 | 米 流 時 評 | ブログ雑誌『 楽園通信』デイリー版
A P / M S N B C | B R E A K I N G
米国時間 2008年9月23日午後1時35分 | AP通信・ニュース速報 | 訳『米流時評』ysbee
1. Amnesty granted to 9,002 prisoners
State-controlled media said the amnesty was granted to prisoners who exhibited good "moral behavior." It came days ahead of the first anniversary of the military junta's brutal crackdown on protests led by Buddhist monks. The U.N. estimated at least 31 people were killed when the army fired on peaceful protesters Sept. 26-27, sparking global outrage.
2. Strategy to avoid international criticism
Analysts suspect the junta timed the release as an attempt to fend off international criticism on the anniversary. "I am certain that it is part of a political strategy," said Josef Silverstein, a retired Rutgers University professor and Myanmar expert. "The military did not come off well in attacking the monks last year and that attack has not been forgotten." The junta "is determined to get the world to forget and just take note of the military's 'favorable' action," he added.
3. Long-awaited Win Tin's release
Analysts said the vast majority of the prisoners were likely petty criminals. The government often grants amnesty to people convicted of low-level crimes to mark important national days. Win Tin, a journalist-turned-activist and aide to pro-democracy opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, was held for 19 years.
4. RWB: 'Release a historic moment'
Suu Kyi has called Win Tin "a man of courage and integrity" and said he was instrumental in Myanmar's democracy movement. Human rights groups rejoiced at his release. "We are immensely relieved that he has finally been freed," Reporters Without Borders said in a statement. "It is unacceptable that he was made to serve 19 years in prison for peacefully advocating democracy but today his release is an historic moment."
5. The best news in Myanmar's aggression
Amnesty International called Win Tin's release "the best news to come out of Myanmar in a long time," but said the seven political prisoners "don't even represent 1 percent of the political prisoners there. There are many, many more who should also be released." He was one of at least seven political prisoners released, Amnesty International said. The rights group said there are an estimated 2,100 political prisoners in Myanmar, which has been under military rule for 46 years and is one of the world's poorest and most authoritarian nations.
6. Only 7 political prisoners
Amnesty International called Win Tin's release "the best news to come out of Myanmar in a long time." and said, "he was one of at least seven political prisoners released." But also they said, "the seven political prisoners don't even represent 1 percent of the political prisoners there. There are many, many more who should also be released."
7. Writing poems on the walls of his cell
A longtime journalist and poet, while in prison Win Tin would write poems on the walls of his cell with ink made of brick powder and water, according to supporters who visited him. Tried in a military court, he was sentenced to 14 years in prison for allegedly being a member of the banned Communist Party of Myanmar. Authorities initially kept him without food while interrogating him about his role in the democracy movement, Suu Kyi wrote in 1996 in a newspaper article.
8. Journalist survived two sentences
While incarcerated, Win Tin had two heart attacks, a hernia operation and suffered from high blood pressure, diabetes and spinal inflammation, according to international media groups. Now 78, he appeared alert and healthy despite recent reports of being ill. Asked how it felt to be free, Win Tin replied, "I will be happy only when all political prisoners, including Aung San Suu Kyi are released."
9. Aung San Suu Kyi still in custody
Nobel Peace Prize winner Suu Kyi has spent more than 12 of the past 19 years in detention, mostly under house arrest. Win Tin served as a close aide to Suu Kyi and helped found her National League for Democracy opposition party in 1988. She was elected as the prime minister after the first democratic election in Mynmar history. Instead, the regime stepped up to arrest her and have done repression of dissidents. He was arrested on July 4, 1989, along with other opposition politicians.
10. Protesting letter costed another 7 years
He was most recently sentenced in 1996 to an additional seven years for writing to the United Nations about prison conditions and for writing and circulating anti-government pamphlets in prison. He said he would keep wearing his prison blues as a sign of protest against the military rulers, and he vowed to keep pressing for more freedom. "I have to continue with my unfinished task of trying to achieve democracy in Myanmar," he said from a friend's home in Yangon after being released from Insein Prison.
ウィンチン氏は、最近では1996年に2度目の刑期を言い渡された。その理由は、監獄の悲惨な実情を訴える手紙を国連へ送った事実と、獄中で仲間の間に反政府的なパンフレットを配布した、という罪状である。氏は解放されたあとも、軍事政権の独裁者に対する抗議のシンボルとして、これまでに綴った「独房の詩」を今後も書き続けて、もっと自由な社会の実現のために邁進すると誓った。政治犯の収監で悪名高いインセイン監獄から釈放された後、ヤンゴン市内の友人宅でウィンチン氏は次のように語った。「ミャンマーで真の民主主義が実現するように、これからもまだ未完の使命を完遂するために、詩を通して民主化を訴える活動をできる限り続けなくては……」 [完]
【米国時間2008年9月24日『米流時評』ysbee 訳】
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