
||| 73.8兆円の経済救済案ついに成立 |||

米国時間 2008年10月3日午後1時03分 | MSNBCニュース/ワシントン発

White House promises quick enactment of measure to rescue Wall Street
OCTOBER 3, 2008 | MSNBC News — BREAKING | Translation by ysbee
WASHINGTON — The House passed a $700 billion bailout of the financial services industry Friday, reversing itself after members who voted to kill the measure earlier in the week came around to a Senate version that offered more protection for individual investors and small businesses.

OCTOBER 3, 2008 | 米 流 時 評 | ブログ雑誌『 楽園通信』デイリー版

N B C / M S N B C | B R E A K I N G
米国時間 2008年10月3日午後1時03分 | MSNBC・ニュース速報 | 訳『米流時評』ysbee

Stocks were up sharply in anticipation that the measure could help thaw frozen credit markets. After a week of reversals and intense lobbying, the measure ended up passing comfortably by a vote of 263-171. After seeing the bill go down to defeat Monday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., had said she would not let it come up for a vote Friday unless it was clear that it would pass.
かくして本日の下院での決議では、賛成263票 対 反対171票という楽勝に近い形で法案が通過した。月曜に敗北を喫して法案が却下されるのを目の当たりにした下院のナンシー・ペローシ代表(民主)は、今日金曜の最終的投票に際して、通過するめどがつくまで法案を持ち込まさせないと決意していたと語った。

2. Bush, 'like to sign it ASAP'
White House spokesman Tony Fratto said President Bush would “like to sign it as quickly as possible — as soon as they get it to us.” House staffers said it would be sent to the White House as early as Friday afternoon for Bush’s signature. Under the plan, the Treasury Department would be authorized to spend as much as $700 billion to buy bad mortgage-related securities, which have slowed and, in some cases, dried up the flow of credit.

3. Dramatic change with $110 billion adds
The Senate dramatically changed the measure Wednesday, adding an additional $110 billion in additional tax breaks, incentives and other measures, including an expansion of coverage of individual bank deposits by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. The calculus for Pelosi and other House leaders was whether the additions would lure enough support to overcome new objections from conservative members to the added costs.
[注:Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation/FDICとは、米国の預金保険機構。日本で言えば日銀にあたるのが、Federal Reserve/Fed=連邦準備制度理事会/連邦準備局]

4. 'It's Christmas in October'
"House and Senate leaders promised the bill wouldn't be a Christmas tree of add-ons, and in a matter of days it's gone from a Charlie Brown Christmas tree to Rockefeller Center," said Rep. Steve LaTourette, R-Ohio, who led efforts to strip out what he called "egregious" tax breaks. "It's Christmas in October."

5. Opposition remains in strong
But Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said compromise was needed. He said that while he strongly opposed the Senate’s decision to pay for many of the tax breaks with debt, he could not forget everyday Americans at home who were struggling. “For their sake, we must act,” Hoyer said in a floor speech shortly before the vote.

6. Leaders sought 60 turned votes
As more lawmakers who initially voted “no” signaled they would switch, the leadership was convinced that the measure would pass this time around. “I certainly would not like for my grandchildren and my great-grandchildren to read a history book and see my name as one of the people who helped cause the crash of the U.S. economy,” said Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo.

7. bill to avoid worse economic catastrophe
He said he was persuaded by conversations with his constituents that the bill was needed to avoid an even worse economic catastrophe. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., said she also was switching her “no” vote after the Senate added $110 billion in tax breaks Wednesday night. “I could hold out for a perfect bill, which is not going to happen,” she said

8. Lost 159,000 jobs in September
Pressure on holdouts grew Friday after the Labor Department said the economy lost 159,000 jobs in September, the most in more than five years, a worrisome sign that the economy is hurtling toward a deep recession. That came on top of Thursday’s Commerce Department report that factory orders in August plunged by 4 percent.

9. Bush lobbied aggressively for the bill
Bush lobbied aggressively for passage of the bill, which Fratto, his spokesman, said was not necessarily intended to boost the economy. "It’s to avoid a crisis," he said. The two major party presidential candidates, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., and Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., also supported the bill and worked to ensure its passage.

10. 'Senate may have taken us hostage'
The vote was House leaders’ second stab at the legislation after the Senate jumped the line and passed its revised version Wednesday. “The Senate may have taken us hostage,” said Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., chairman of the Banking Committee. “They may have us at arrow-point, and we may have to vote for this even with their obnoxious provisions.”

11. 'Banks have to stay healthy in crisis'
Some of those provisions were not so obnoxious to business owners like Carl Adams, a real estate agent in Paducah, Ky. Preserving banks’ ability to fuel the economy is crucial, he said, but to do that, the banks have to stay healthy. “If the banks’ money dries up — in other words, they can’t afford to lend us money for our clients — then you're going to see everything snowball from there,” he said.
翻訳中 [了]
【米国時間2008年10月3日『米流時評』ysbee 訳】

»» 対決!サラ・ペイリン VS ジョー・バイデン ««

»» 次号「ウォール街暴落1万ドルの大台を割る 大恐慌2.0?」へ
«« 前号「号外!80兆円経済救済案上院を通過!」へ

TBリンク http://beiryu2.exblog.jp/tb/8711142



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by ysbee-2
| 2008-10-03 04:24
| グローバルビジネス