||| 日本海海域でロシア原潜死亡事故 |||
事故発生場所未発表、メドベージェフ 事故原因の緊急調査を指令
米国時間2008年11月8日午後6時 | ロイター通信・ニュース速報 | 訳『米流時評』ysbee
モスクワ発ニュース速報 |モスクワ現地時間で8日土曜深夜、太平洋海域を航行中のロシア海軍太平洋艦隊所属の原子力潜水艦内で事故があり、少なくとも20名が死亡、21名が負傷したと、ロシア海軍の広報官から発表された。
Accident Aboard Russian Submarine Kills 20
Finland hosts highest-level discussions since Georgia war strained ties
NOVEMBER 8, 2008 | REUTERS — BREAKING | Translation by ysbee
MOSCOW — At least 20 people died and 21 were injured in an accident on board a Russian nuclear-powered submarine from the country’s Pacific Fleet, a Russian naval spokesman said late on Saturday.
The spokesman did not give the name of the submarine or specify where it was located, adding only that it was on exercises at sea and 208 people were on board. “The reactor section (of the submarine) is working properly,” he said by telephone. “The radiation levels on the ship are normal.”President Dmitry Medvedev has been informed about the accident, Russian news agencies reported.
2. Russian destroyer sent to rescue
A Russian destroyer, the Admiral Tributs, was providing assistance and taking some of the injured crew from the submarine to port, the spokesman said. He did not say where the ships were, but the Tributs is normally based at Vladivostok, Russia’s main Far Eastern naval port, according to Russian media.
NOVEMBER 8, 2008 | 『米 流 時 評』 | 時事評論ブログ雑誌・デイリー版 2008年11/08号
X I N H U A | B R E A K I N G N E W S
米国時間 2008年11月8日午後7時46分 | 新華社通信・ニュース速報 | 訳『米流時評』ysbee
NOVEMBER 8, 2008 7:46 PM | Xinhua — BREAKING | Translation by ysbee
BEIJING, China — More than 20 people have been killed in an accident on a Russian nuclear submarine, local media reported on early Sunday. "Over 20 people have been killed on Nov. 8, as a result of accidental activation of the fire extinguishing system at a nuclear-powered submarine of the Pacific Fleet during sea trials," Itar-Tass cited a navy spokesman.
北京発・新華社通信 |ロシア現地時間で9日日曜の早朝、事故現場に近い区域のロシアのローカルメディアの報道によると、太平洋海域を航行中のロシア海軍の原子力潜水艦内で起きた事故で、同潜水艦乗組員20名以上が死亡した模様である。イタル・タス通信の報道によると、ロシア海軍の広報官から次のような発表があったと伝えている。
2. Over 20 killed, 21 injured
There were 208 people aboard the submarine during the accident and 81 of them were military servicemen. The radiation on the submarine is normal as its nuclear reactor is working at normal status, said Igor Dygalov, an aide to the commander-in-chief of the Russian Pacific Fleet. Among the killed are workers of a shipyard and military servicemen, he said.
The submarine is sailing to a temporary base in Russia's far east Primorye territory with the escorting of an anti-submarine warship and a rescue vessel to evacuate another 21 injured people, Dygalo said. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has ordered the defense minister to probe into the accident and provide all the necessary assistance to the families of the killed, said the Kremlin.
The latest similar accident was reported in September, 2006, when two servicemen were killed and one injured in a fire onboard a Russian nuclear submarine. The last major tragedy on Russian nuclear submarine occurred on Aug. 12, 2000, when the Kursk sank during a military exercise in the Barents Sea after an explosion ripped through the vessel. All 118 sailors perished.
ロシアの原潜で最近起きた事故を挙げると、2006年9月に同様の火災事故が起きているが、その際には海軍兵2名が死亡、1名が負傷した。最近の事故で大惨事に至った悲劇は、2000年8月12日にロシア海軍の原潜クルスク号の沈没事件がある。同号は事故当時、北極に近いバレンツ海で軍事演習の最中だったが、艦内で爆発事故が起き沈没。(プーチンは救出を諦めたため)結果的に118名の乗組員全員が死亡した。 <了>
【 米国時間 2008年11月8日 『米流時評』ysbee 訳 】
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