
||| 北朝鮮、衛星撃墜に戦争の威嚇 |||

米国時間 2009年3月8日午後8時42分 韓国・ソウル発 | 現地時間で9日月曜、北朝鮮は共産党独裁政権からの一連の威嚇脅迫でも、もっとも新しい深刻な警告を発した。その内容は、北朝鮮が予定している衛星打上げ用ミサイルを迎撃する国に対して、報復措置をとるという脅しである。平壌の北朝鮮政府は、米韓両国軍の合同演習期間中のつい先週も、北朝鮮領空の近くを航行中の韓国の旅客機に対して、威嚇を発したばかりだった。
North Korea Puts Military on Standby for 'War'
Pyongyang shuts all communication with South over joint U.S. military drills
MARCH 8, 2009 | Associated Press — BREAKING | Translation by ysbee
SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea put its armed forces on standby for war Monday and threatened retaliation against anyone seeking to stop the regime from launching a satellite into space in the latest barrage of threats from the communist regime. Pyongyang last week threatened South Korean passenger planes flying near its airspace during the drills.
MARCH 8, 2009 | 『米 流 時 評』 | 時事評論ブログ雑誌・デイリー版 2009年3月8日号

Associated Press | B R E A K I N G
米国時間 2009年3月8日午後8時42分 | AP通信・ソウル支局発 | 訳『米流時評』ysbee

1. Resulting complete shutdown of the border
On Monday, North Korea also completely cut off a military hot line with the South for the duration of the 12-day joint U.S.-South Korean military exercises, leaving the nations without any means of communication at time when even an accidental skirmish could develop into a full-blown battle. The situation without any communication between two Korean states caused a complete shutdown of their border and stranding hundreds of South Koreans staying at an industrial zone in the North Korean border city of Kaesong.

2. Protest against the U.S.-S.Korea joint drill
The warning came as U.S. and South Korean troops kicked off their annual war games across the South, exercises the North has condemned as preparation for an invasion. Analysts say the regime is trying to grab President Barack Obama's attention as his administration formulates its North Korea policy.

3. Warning on interception N. Korean satellite
The North also indicated it was pushing ahead with plans to fire a communications satellite into space, a provocative launch neighboring governments believe could be a cover for a missile test. U.S. and Japanese officials have suggested they could shoot down a North Korean missile if necessary, further incensing Pyongyang.

4. 'Against the U.S. and Japanese aggressors'
"Shooting our satellite for peaceful purposes will precisely mean a war," the general staff of the North's military said in a statement carried Monday by the official Korean Central News Agency. Any interception will draw "a just retaliatory strike operation not only against all the interceptor means involved but against the strongholds" of the U.S., Japan and South Korea, it said.

5. N. Korea 'fully combat ready'
The North ordered military personnel "fully combat ready" for war, KCNA said in a separate dispatch. South Korea's Defense Ministry spokesman Won Tae-jae downplayed the threats as "rhetoric" but said the country's military was ready to deal with any contingencies.

6. Bosworth urged to stop thereatening
Analysts say a satellite or missile launch could occur late this month or in early April when the North's new legislature, elected Sunday, is expected to convene its first session to confirm Kim Jong Il as leader. Obama's new special envoy on Pyongyang, Stephen Bosworth, met with South Korean officials Monday to discuss the tensions.

7. Intention for unification disappeared
Bosworth has urged Pyongyang to refrain from firing a satellite or missile, and to stop threatening its neighbors. He said Washington wants Pyongyang to defuse tensions through dialogue. Ties between the two Koreas have plunged since South Korean President Lee Myung-bak took office a year ago halting aid unless the North fulfills an international promise to dismantle its nuclear program.

8. Two Koreas technically in state of war
The two Koreas technically remain in a state of war since their three-year conflict ended in a cease-fire, not a peace treaty, in 1953. An angered North Korea suspended the reconciliation process and key joint projects with Seoul, and has stepped up the stream of belligerence toward the South.

9. Completely closing border for 12 days
The two Koreas have used the hot line to exchange information about the crossing of goods and people through the industrial North Korean border city of Kaesong. Its suspension halted traffic and stranded about 570 South Koreans working in Kaesong. About 80 of them had planned to return to the South, but none of them have been able to do so as of Monday afternoon.

10. Thousands stranded at both sides of border
Earlier in the day, some 700 South Koreans who had planned to enter Kaesong were stranded on the South Korean side, the Unification Ministry said. The ministry said all South Koreans staying at Kaesong are safe, and urged Pyongyang to restore the line immediately.

11. Yearly joint drill for decades repetition
Hundreds of thousands of troops are amassed on each side of the Demilitarized Zone separating the two Koreas, making the Korean border one of the world's most heavily armed. The United States, which has 28,500 troops in South Korea, hold military exercises with the South every year. Pyongyang routinely condemns them as rehearsals for invasion despite repeated assurances from Seoul and Washington that the drills are purely defensive.

12. Drills operated with 26,000 troopers
The exercises, which will involve some 26,000 U.S. troops, an unspecified number of South Korean soldiers and a U.S. aircraft carrier, are "not tied in any way to any political or real world event," Gen. Walter Sharp, commander of the U.S. troops, said Monday.
「今回の演習は、特定の政治目的や実際の国際時事とはまったく関係ありません。」 <了>
【 米国時間 2009年3月8日 『米流時評』ysbee訳 】


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TBリンク http://beiryu2.exblog.jp/tb/9442710


by ysbee-2
| 2009-03-08 21:48
| トンデモ北朝鮮