【イタリア中部地震 第2報】激甚被害で非常事態宣言!
||| 第2報 激甚被害で非常事態宣言 |||
【イタリア中部地震レポート・第2報】 イタリア・ラクイラ発 |現地時間で6日月曜未明、中部イタリアの山間部で発生したマグニチュード6.3の激震に続いて、被災地では犠牲者の遺体発掘作業が懸命に続けられている。夜が明けてから災害対策センターが発表した死者の数は、当初の数十人から130名へと激増した。また激震で家屋が倒壊したため、住む家を失った住民の数は数万人にのぼるものと見られ、少なくとも1500名以上が負傷したと報告された。
Death Toll Tops 130 after Quake in Central Italy
Thousands homeless as magnitude 6.3 temblor topples churches, buildings
APRIL 6, 2009 | MSNBC News — BREAKING | Translation by ysbee
L'AQUILA, Italy — Searchers continued to find bodies following a powerful earthquake in mountainous central Italy early Monday, raising the death toll to at more than 130 people. Tens of thousands were homeless and at least 1,500 injured.
M S N B C N E W S | B R E A K I N G
イタリア中部地震 第2報 州都ラクイラ中心に激甚被害で非常事態宣言
米国時間 2009年4月6日午後3時25分 | MSNBC・ニュース速報 | 訳『米流時評』ysbee
1. Nine smaller jolts since beginning of April
The earthquake struck at 3:32 a.m. local time in the quake-prone Abruzzo region, which has had at least nine smaller jolts since the beginning of April. The U.S. Geological Survey said Monday's quake was magnitude 6.3, but Italy's National Institute of Geophysics put it at 5.8. Officials said the death toll was likely to rise as rescue crews clawed through the debris of fallen homes.
2. Death toll hikes up hourly
As rescue workers combed through the rubble for survivors and rushed to set up tents for the homeless before night fell, officials warned the death toll could rise further and declined to estimate the number of missing. The regional government said more than 130 people were confirmed dead, some 16 hours after the quake struck. Italy's federal Civil Protection agency said the death toll was above 100.
対策本部では、遺体の発見によって行方不明者の数が減るのに反比例して、死者の数は現状よりもはるかに多くなるとみている。現地の州政府からは、地震発生から16時間たった現在までに確認された死者の数は130名と発表されたが、イタリア政府の市民防衛局(Civil Protection agency)からは100名以上と、まちまちの数字が伝えられている。
3. 10,000 to 15,000 household became homeless
L'Aquila lies in a valley surrounded by the Apennine mountains. It is the regional capital of the Abruzzo region, with about 70,000 inhabitants. Agostino Miozzo, an official with the Civil Protection agency, said between 10,000 and 15,000 buildings were damaged. He said stadiums and sporting fields were being readied to house the homeless.
4. Berlusconi declared a state of emergency
Premier Silvio Berlusconi declared a state of emergency, freeing up federal funds to deal with the disaster. He canceled a visit to Russia and went to L'Aquila to deal with the crisis. Hospitals appealed for help from doctors and nurses throughout Italy.
5. Historic churches, cathedrals ruined
The earthquake's epicenter was about 70 miles northeast of Rome near the medieval city of L'Aquila. In the historic center of the city, a wall of the 13th century Santa Maria di Collemaggio church collapsed and the bell tower of the Renaissance San Bernadino church also fell. The 16th castle housing the Abruzzo National Museum was damaged.
6. Residents' desperate rescue continues
The smell of gas filled parts of the mountain towns and villages, coming from natural gas mains ruptured by the quake. Residents and rescue workers hauled away debris from collapsed buildings by hand. Firefighters pulled a woman covered in dust from the debris of her four-story home. Rescue crews demanded quiet as they listened for signs of life from other people believed still trapped inside.
7. Completely leveled town, Onna
The town of Castelnuovo also appeared hard hit, with five confirmed dead there. Another small town, Onna, was almost completely leveled. At least 24 people were killed, said a Reuters photographer who saw a mother and her infant daughter carried away in the same coffin. "A few houses have remained standing, but just a few," Stefania Pezzopane, provincial president of L'Aquila, told the Corriere della Sera newspaper.
8. All building in danger of collapse
Parts of L'Aquila's main hospital were evacuated because they were at risk of collapse, forcing the wounded to be treated in the open air or taken elsewhere. Bloodied victims waited to be tended to in hospital hallways or outside in the hospital courtyard. Only two operating rooms were working. Civil protection crews were erecting a field hospital to deal with the influx of wounded.
9. Turned athletic fields to tent camp
Evacuees converged on an athletics field on the outskirts of L'Aquila where a makeshift tent camp was being set up. Civil protection officials distributed bread and water to people who lay on the grass next to heaps of their belongings. "It's a catastrophe and an immense shock," said resident Renato Di Stefano, who was moving with his family to the camp as a precaution. "It's struck in the heart of the city, we will never forget the pain."
家族と一緒に避難してきた住民のひとり、レナート・ディ・ステファノさんは、地震の衝撃を次のように語った。「まるで天変地異がおこったようで、とてつもないショックでした。地震は市のど真ん中を直撃したんです。私たちはこの苦難を絶対に忘れないでしょう。」 >次号へ続く
【 米国時間 2009年4月6日 『米流時評』ysbee訳 】
記事リンク http://beiryu2.exblog.jp/9564600
TBリンク http://beiryu2.exblog.jp/tb/9564600
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