アメリカン エミスフェール・米半球が微笑んだサミット

||| アメリカン エミスフェール 第2章 |||





今までこんなに熱心な大統領がいただろうか? >> 次号の冒頭へ続く

A s s o c i a t e d P r e s s | B R E A K I N G
アメリカン エミスフェール 第2章 アメリカの半球が微笑んだサミット
米国時間 2009年4月20日午前0時30分 | AP通信・OASサミットレポート | 訳『米流時評』ysbee

At Summit, Obama Gets Friendly with Neighbors
He reaches out to fiery leftist leader Chavez, offers new agenda for region
APRIL 20, 2009 | Associated Press — BREAKING | Translation by ysbee
11. Chavez: Hoping for U.S.-Cuba ties
At a luncheon speech to fellow leaders, Chavez said the spirit of respect is encouraging and he proposed that Havana host the next summit. "I'm not going to speak for Cuba. It's not up to me.... (but) all of us here are friends of Cuba, and we hope the United States will be, too," Chavez said.
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12. Still critical against U.S. foreign policy
U.S. aides said that Chavez later spoke during a summit session on democratic governance; Obama chose not to speak. The White House said Chavez was civil in his criticism of the U.S. during a summit meeting, but that there was no discussion of reinstating ambassadors who were kicked out of each other's countries last year.

13. Chavez approached Clinton
"Relationships depend on more than smiles and handshakes," Obama economic adviser Larry Summers told reporters later. The State Department welcomed Chavez's outreach. Earlier today at the Summit of the Americas President Chavez approached Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

14. issue of returning ambassadors
They discussed returning ambassadors to their respective posts in Caracas and Washington," said State spokesman Robert Wood. "This is a positive development that will help advance U.S. interests, and the State Department will now work to further this shared goal."

15. Bolivia President disagrees
Bolivia President Evo Morales, a close ally of Chavez, said Obama's pledge of a new era of mutual respect toward Latin America rings hollow. "Obama said three things: There are neither senior or junior partners. He said relations should be of mutual respect, and he spoke of change," Morales said. "In Bolivia ... one doesn't feel any change. The policy of conspiracy continues."

16. Morales expelled U.S. ambassador
Morales expelled U.S. ambassador Philip Goldberg in September and kicked out the Drug Enforcement Administration the next month for allegedly conspiring with the political opposition to incite violence. Chavez expelled the U.S. ambassador in Venezuela in solidarity.

17. Bush suspended trade to Bolivia
The Bush administration subsequently suspended trade preferences to Bolivia that Bolivian business leaders say could cost 20,000 jobs. But as the summit neared its close, Chavez said he soon expects to send an ambassador back to Washington. Obama administration officials didn't have an immediate comment on the announcement.

Obama also extended a hand to Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega, whom President Ronald Reagan spent years trying to drive from power. Ortega was ousted in 1990 elections that ended Nicaragua's civil war, but was returned to power by voters in 2006.

Ortega stepped up and introduced himself to Obama, U.S. officials said. But a short time later, Ortega delivered a blistering 50-minute speech that denounced capitalism and U.S. imperialism as the root of much hemispheric mischief.

The address even recalled the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, though Ortega said the new U.S. president could not be held to account for that. "I'm grateful that President Ortega did not blame me for things that happened when I was three months old," Obama said, to laughter and applause from the other leaders.
翻訳中 >> 続く
【 米国時間 2009年4月20日 『米流時評』ysbee訳 】

TBリンク http://beiryu2.exblog.jp/tb/9644273


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by ysbee-2
| 2009-04-20 18:20
| オバマの時代