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6.20 イラン 血の土曜日 デモ隊弾圧で死者19名以上

6.20 イラン 血の土曜日 デモ隊弾圧で死者19名以上_f0127501_128435.gif

   ||| 6.20 テヘラン血の土曜日 |||

6.20 イラン 血の土曜日 デモ隊弾圧で死者19名以上_d0123476_2203370.jpg
 6.20テヘラン血の土曜日 ハメネイ・アフマディ体制抗議デモで流血の惨事

6.20 イラン 血の土曜日 デモ隊弾圧で死者19名以上_d0123476_3532373.jpgただ今ハワイ時間で20日土曜の午前11時45分、東部時間で夕方5時45分。
イランの命運を決める「Day of Destiny」の夜が明けてから


 You-Tubeビデオ 父親と一緒にデモを見ていてバシジに射殺された16才の少女ネダ



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 【米国時間 2009年6月20日『米流時評』ysbee 】
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6.20 イラン 血の土曜日 デモ隊弾圧で死者19名以上_d0123476_1539544.jpg
   JUNE 20, 2009 | 『米 流 時 評』 |  時事評論ブログ雑誌・デイリー版  2009年6月20日号
  6.20 イラン 血の土曜日 デモ隊弾圧で死者19名以上_f0127501_2052197.gif

D A I L Y K O S | E X C L U S I V E
6.20 Bloody Saturday in Iran
Iranians took street to protest against Khamenei's threat to kill
JUNE 20, 2009 | Various posters — DAILYKOS | Translation by ysbee

6.20イラン血の土曜日 ハメネイ・アフマディ体制に抗議デモで流血の惨事
米国時間 2009年6月20日 | オピニオンブログ・DailyKOS | 訳『米流時評』ysbee

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1. Attack on peaceful protests
The more and more information comes out, the more and more disgusted I feel. Ahmadinejad's people, both his supporters, the Basij, and The National Guard, have turned out to attack those who are peacefully protesting. Throughout the land many are dead: At least 5 perished in the attack on the Tehran University by supporters of Ahmadinejad. / At least 4 following the Tehran protest, as guards fired into the crowd. / Another 7 in Shiraz, in the South of Iran.
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2. Massacre by Basij
Make no mistake about this. The Basij, voluntary Militia, are behind most of this. They have been armed by Ahmadinejad, who has fled from the country. They are now free to massacre, and kill. Ahmadinejad will denounce it as the acts of a third party, and claim he is free of responsibility, as he has left the country. The Military may be the wild card in all of this. Tweet rumors are coming across that the leaders have secretly met, and are deciding on what to do. Meanwhile the shutdown on communication and press is increasing.
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3. Enemy within
People in the streets with camera's, phones, or laptops, are attacked on sight. The hotels are guarded by Basij forces in order to prevent Irani's from talking to the foreign press. The Embassies inside of Tehran are working on emergency evacuation procedures. Reformist leaders continue to be arrested for "seditious" acts. It looks like none of this will end soon my friends. But I assure you this, as long as I have breath in my lungs I will continue to bring you the latest. What Ahmadinejad and his people have done here is outright criminal. And because the Basij are the only ones willing to kill for him, he's bringing in Hezbollah.
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4. Long live the green revolution!
Keep this list rec'd and I'll be reporting throughout the night with the latest news. Long live the green revolution! Down with the Ayatollah. Down with the Dictator.
Update 1: Markos I'm calling you out! MAKE THIS SITE GREEN. / BBC is reporting that the Guardian Council will hold a recount. Sounds like stalling bullshit if you ask me.

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5. Revelation by martyrs of Iran
This monster didn't just murder all these people! Surely this beast wouldn't murder his own nation. Surely this man of the cloth — so many miles of cloth wrapped around his stinking head — wouldn't pretend that Islam calls for the spilling of the blood of innocents! Today the martyrs of Iran have exposed this fraud, this infidel, this beast, this liar for what he is. And now the whole world knows it too.
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6. Viral twitter in the media blockout
from http://twitter.com/...
they were so many! riot police, normal police, intel, IRG, Basij! I managed to scape, but they captured so many people / the university's doors were close, we couldn't run everywhere! & then they start shooting tear gas at us / I don't know where to start with, first they attack our peacful memorial gathering in front of the university with water gun / it was a nightmare, I can barely breath & my face is burning, Masood got shot in the arm & Shayan's brother is missing

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7. Protesters from from any lines
These last days, we have witnessed the lively efforts of you brothers and sisters, old and young alike, from any social category, for the 10th presidential elections. Our youth, hoping to see their rightful will fulfilled, came on the scene and waited patiently. This was the greatest occasion for the government's officials to bond with their people.
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8. Reminiscence of old regime
But unfortunately, they used it in the worst way possible. Declaring results that no one in their right mind can believe, and despite all the evidence of crafted results, and to counter people protestations, in front of the eyes of the same nation who carried the weight of a revolution and 8 years of war, in front of the eyes of local and foreign reporters, attacked the children of the people with astonishing violence. And now they are attempting a purge, arresting intellectuals, political opponents and scientists.
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9. 'Don't sell your religion'
I ask the police and army personals not to "sell their religion" and beware that receiving orders will not excuse them before god. Recognize the protesting youth as your children. Today censor and cutting telecommunication lines can not hide the truth. I pray for the greatness of the Iranian people.
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10. Open Letter to the people of the world
Human beings are members of a whole, in creation of one essence and soul.
If one member is afflicted with pain, other members uneasy will remain.
If you have no sympathy for human pain, the name of human you cannot retain.
— Saadi —

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11. Trust only movement
Trust movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of words.
Trust only movement.
— Alfred Adler —

翻訳中  <了>

【 米国時間 2009年6月20日 『米流時評』ysbee訳 】

You-Tubeビデオ | 20日ついに市街戦勃発……武装警察が市民に発砲

◀ 次号 6/22「イランの虐殺軍団バシジ 首都テヘラン学生を次々射殺の凶行」
▶ 前号 6/15「グリーン革命の怒れる若者たち・イラン現地レポート<2>」
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6.20 イラン 血の土曜日 デモ隊弾圧で死者19名以上_d0123476_7294370.gif記事リンク http://beiryu2.exblog.jp/9894706
TBリンク http://beiryu2.exblog.jp/tb/9894706

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 6.20 イラン 血の土曜日 デモ隊弾圧で死者19名以上_d0123476_12465883.gif

  ブログランキング・にほんブログ村へ ブログ村の国際政治部門へも 応援のクリックをよろしくお願いします!

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||| 米流時評 ||| 最近の記事リスト   b e i r y u * c u r r e n t
Good News, Bad News, Everything in Between
7/02 テヘラン・自由への行進 革命のレミニッセンス第1章
7/01 イラン 革命のレミニッセンス 序章・前編
6/29 すべてはCIAの陰謀?イラン政府の真っ赤な大嘘『蜂起』6.29(未掲載)
6/28 潮目となるか?テヘラン決死の5千人デモ『イラン蜂起』6.28
6/26 BEAT IT ! 打倒イスラム狂信派 ニコのブログ『イラン蜂起』6.26
6/25 マイケル・ジャクソン急逝!享年50才 R.I.P.
6/24 イランの民衆弾圧と虐殺の実態 バシジ白昼の凶行(未掲載)
6/23 革命の殉教者ネダ バシジに射殺されたイラン女性の身元解明(未)
6/22 テヘラン大学の虐殺 イランの殺戮親衛隊バシジ
6/20 6.20 テヘラン血の土曜日 イランの命運を決した日
6/19 6.19 ハメネイの宣告 抗議運動には死を覚悟せよ(未)
6/18 6.18 テヘラン大行進 君は再び革命の川をわたる(未)6.20 イラン 血の土曜日 デモ隊弾圧で死者19名以上_d0123476_17124236.gif
6/17 革命と弾圧の最後通牒 イラン・アルティメイタム(未)
6/16 ついに犠牲者7名!テヘランの市民蜂起と血の弾圧(未)
6/15 「グリーン革命の怒れる若者たち」タイム記者現地レポート-2
6/14 「略奪されたイランの大統領選」タイム記者現地レポート-1
6/13 米国ブロガーが見たイランの天安門事件・続編 (未)
6/13 6.13 テヘランの天安門事件 イランの流した血と汗と涙
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6/11 テヘランの民主化革命なるか?イラン大統領選の行方(未)
6/10 中東に民主化革命の波 レバノンとイランの民主化選挙
6/01 北の引き裂かれたカーテン・一触即発にF15待機
5/31 ゲイツは本気だ。アジア防衛サミット声明
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5/27 北の宣戦布告「軍事行動もあり」

by ysbee-2 | 2009-06-20 21:48 | イランのグリーン革命


by ysbee-2
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